Traducción para "hold himself" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
Holding himself upright was an effort.
Sostenerse derecho requirió todo un esfuerzo de voluntad.
When Arren came to him he caught at the young man's arm to hold himself upright.
Cuando Arren se le acercó, se aferró al brazo del joven para sostenerse.
Angel was beginning to show the strain of holding himself upside down.
Angel estaba empezando a mostrar las señales del cansancio de intentar sostenerse cabeza abajo.
And it was not an easy matter, either, to hold himself secure on the slippery back, between two swaying wings.
Tampoco era fácil sostenerse sobre las espaldas lisas y resbaladizas, entre las alas batientes.
However, his left leg was gone and he fell against the door jamb and tried to hold himself from falling.
Pero tenía inutilizada la pierna izquierda; cayó contra el marco de la puerta y trató de sostenerse para no desplomarse.
His arm wraps tightly around me, but now I worry it’s as much to hold himself up as to keep me close.
Su brazo me aferra con fuerza, pero ahora me preocupa que sea tanto para sostenerse erguido como para mantenerme cerca.
He was so used to having the muscles in his trunk to hold himself up that every time he began to fall, it was a little surprising.
Estaba tan acostumbrado a sostenerse con los músculos del tronco que cada vez que le fallaban se sorprendía un poco.
He sways, punches his good arm in the mattress to hold himself up. “It’s a category five,” Daddy says.
Se balancea, hinca el puño del brazo bueno en el colchón para sostenerse. —Es un fuerza cinco —dice papá—.
They tied the old man to his horse, for he was too weak to hold himself up. They stopped only once, to wrap him in more blankets.
Habían atado al anciano al caballo, porque se encontraba demasiado débil para sostenerse erguido, y sólo se detuvieron una vez para envolverlo con más mantas.
He could barely hold himself up, and he had a strange look on his face that Gerda had never seen before, somewhere between crestfallen and vexed, as if he had gone to a place of no return. His shirt was unbuttoned and hanging out of his pants, his hair disheveled.
Apenas podía sostenerse en pie Y tenía una mirada extraña que Gerda nunca le había visto antes, entre abatido y hosco, como si hubiera cruzado una frontera sin retorno posible, la camisa desabrochada, por fuera del pantalón, el pelo revuelto.
Yet somehow he managed to hold himself in check.
Pero de algún modo logró contenerse.
McCaleb had to hold himself back from kicking him in the rear.
McCaleb tuvo que contenerse para no darle una patada en el trasero.
He struggled to hold himself from ramming the blade into her chest and being done with it.
Luchó para contenerse y no ensartarle la espada en el pecho.
Monahan, unable to hold himself in any longer, burst out with an alarming guffaw.
Monahan, incapaz de contenerse por más tiempo, soltó una alarmante carcajada.
If anything, Perrin, I’ve seen in you someone who has learned to hold himself back.
Si acaso, Perrin, en ti he visto a alguien que ha aprendido a contenerse.
"I don't understand–" said Emily again. Cousin Jimmy could hold himself in no longer.
—No… no entiendo —repitió Emily. El primo Jimmy ya no podía contenerse.
By dint of sheer will he was able to hold himself steady through Mendelssohn's “March.”
A fuerza de pura voluntad consiguió contenerse mientras sonaba la Marcha de Mendelssohn.
But beginning in 1641 he could no longer hold himself back in watchful waiting.
Pero a comienzos de 1641 ya no pudo contenerse y seguir manteniendo una actitud de espera vigilante.
Philippe was jealous of the words Maigret was addressing to his classmate and had to hold himself in so as not to protest.
El chivato estaba celoso de las palabras que dirigía Maigret a su condiscípulo y debía de contenerse para no protestar.
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