Traducción para "high spirits" a español
High spirits
Ejemplos de traducción
‘Puddleglum,’ they’ve said, ‘you’re altogether too full of bobance and bounce and high spirits.
"Barroquejón", dicen "estás demasiado repleto de optimismo y entusiasmo y alegría;
But the reserve of power was available, when necessity or high spirits demanded it.
la marcha se igualaba a la de la Tierra, sin embargo, esta reserva de energía quedaba disponible para casos en que la necesidad o el optimismo necesitaran de ella.
He is prone to bursts of high spirits and optimism and to occasional deep black moods, flashes of inexplicable rage.
Es propenso a los estallidos de optimismo y buen humor con ocasionales momentos de bajón y arrebatos de ira inexplicables.
She was nuts about soccer—loved it as much as American football—and brought a mixture of high spirits and dry irony to everything she did.
Le apasionaba el fútbol federación (casi tanto como el americano) y aportaba una mezcla de optimismo y seca ironía a todo cuanto hacía.
It was enough that he had reentered our lives, bringing to us the same high spirits, generosity, energy, fun, magic and love we had thought were gone for good.
Bastaba que Nathan hubiera entrado de nuevo en nuestras vidas trayéndonos lo mejor que conocíamos de él —optimismo, generosidad, energía, diversión, magia y amor— y que creíamos haber perdido para siempre.
He was able to balance the postimperial melancholy that engulfed Tanpınar the novelist, Yahya Kemal the poet, and Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar the memoirist with his limitless energy, optimism, and high spirits.
He was able to balance the postimperial melancholy that engulfed Tanpınar the novelist, Yahya Kemal the poet, and Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar the memoirist with his limitless energy, optimism, and high spirits.
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