Traducción para "he gave him" a español
He gave him
Ejemplos de traducción
Then he gave him the wallet.
Después, le dio la cartera.
He gave him an address and left.
Le dio una dirección y se fue.
He gave him command of the caravan.
Le dio el mando de la caravana.
He gave him a hypodermic injection.
Le dio una inyección hipodérmica.
He gave him the paper, and Dr.
Le dio el periódico y el Dr.
He gave him a light lazy push.
Le dio un empujoncito perezoso.
He gave him a friendly clap on the shoulder.
Le dio una palmada en el hombro.
“What do you think he gave him?”
– ¿Qué crees que le dio?
He gave him a note and sent him off.
Le dio una nota para que la entregara.
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