Traducción para "granted that" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
However, nothing should be taken for granted.
Sin embargo, nada debe darse por sentado.
Consequently, women are taken for granted.
Por lo tanto, la contribución de las mujeres se da por sentada.
Consensus, however, could not be taken for granted.
No obstante, el consenso no puede darse por sentado.
UNDP does not take this for granted.
El PNUD no da este hecho por sentado.
National cohesion is, therefore, not to be taken for granted.
Por lo tanto, la cohesión nacional no es algo que se pueda dar por sentado.
However, that could not be taken for granted.
Sin embargo, no puede darse por sentado que así sea.
But can this be taken for granted?
Sin embargo, ¿puede ello darse por sentado?
They do take too much for granted.
Al hacerlo, dan demasiado por sentado.
We are not going to take anything for granted.
No daremos nada por sentado.
This is often taken for granted.
Con frecuencia se da esto por sentado.
I'm taking it for granted that you hear me.
Estoy dando por sentado que me oyes.
I've always taken it for granted that
Yo siempre he dado por sentado que
You take it for granted that you know all that.
Das por sentado que sabes todo eso.
Granted that we cannot un-google ourselves.
Damos por sentado que no podemos deshacer a Google.
I took it for granted that he was there. Yes.
Cuando lo pienso, di por sentado que le conocían.
I've taken it for granted that you understood, Stuie.
He dado por sentado que tú entendías, Stuie.
I took for granted that you were a scientist or doctor.
Di por sentado que eras científica o médica.
It was sort of taken for granted that we would be married.
Se daba por sentado que nos casaríamos.
I guess I took it for granted that I would grow to like them.
Di por sentado que llegarían a gustarme.
You see, he takes it for granted that...
Verá, da por sentado que...
I take it for granted.
La doy por sentada.
We took that for granted.
Lo dábamos por sentado.
Not taking anything for granted.
No dar nada por sentado.
Take nothing for granted.
No des nada por sentado».
Now it was taken for granted.
Ahora ya se daba por sentado.
We take nothing for granted.
No damos nada por sentado.
Or I took it for granted that it was you.
O que yo he dado por sentado que eras tú.
“I don’t take things for granted.
—No doy nada por sentado.
Granted but not acceded to by the State party (assurances had been granted).
Concedidas pero no aceptadas por el Estado parte (se habían concedido garantías).
Pension granted
Pensiones concedidas
Granted patents
Patentes concedidas
It is already granted.
Ya te la he concedido.
“Permission granted.”
–Autorización concedida
    “It is granted, Lady.
Concedido, Señora.
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