Traducción para "good-natured" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
There he’d made words his living, in a quiet sort of way, and considered that he’d got off easy compared to brother Rupert, who was big and good-natured and a Hugglestones natural apart from the accident of birth.
Allí, hizo de las palabras su medio de vida, de una manera tranquila, y consideraba que había salido fácilmente comparado con su hermano Rupert, quien era de naturaleza buena y fuerte, y un alejado natural de Hugglestones por accidente de nacimiento.
Usually, I’m remarkably good-natured.
Por lo general, soy muy afable.
He seemed unusually good-natured.
Parecía inusitadamente afable.
Her tone is good-natured enough.
Su tono es bastante afable.
However, he looked good-natured.
Sin embargo, parecía afable.
He had his good-natured laugh.
Se reía con su risa afable.
There’s some good-natured laughter.
Se oyen unas risas afables.
He was good-natured and generous.
Henry era un hombre sumamente afable y generoso.
They did usually hint at a good-natured temperament.
Solían ocultar un temperamento afable.
Frank was good natured and had a pleasant face.
Frank era afable y tenía una cara agradable.
His companions burst into good-natured laughter.
Sus compañeros estallaron en una afable carcajada.
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