Traducción para "gain weight" a español
Gain weight
Ejemplos de traducción
Other risk factors may include malnutrition, smoking by the pregnant woman, exposure to passive tobacco smoke during pregnancy, infection during pregnancy, and cultural practices that discourage women in Asia from gaining weight during pregnancy.
Otros factores de riesgo durante el embarazo podrían ser la malnutrición, el tabaquismo activo y pasivo, las infecciones, así como las prácticas culturales en Asia que recomiendan a la mujer no aumentar de peso durante el embarazo.
I'm always worried about gaining weight.
siempre me ha preocupado aumentar de peso.
Life is so peaceful there that one cannot help gaining weight.
La vida es tan apacible allí que uno no puede evitar aumentar de peso.
His entire body seemed to gain weight, as if his innards had been turned to concrete.
Todo su cuerpo pareció aumentar de peso, como si sus entrañas se hubiesen convertido en hormigón.
Gradually, steadily, his health improved, some of his strength returned, and slowly, he began to gain weight, which the manual labor converted into muscle.
Poco a poco, su salud fue mejorando, recuperó parte de su fuerza y comenzó a aumentar de peso.
In other words, if I don’t want to gain weight I have to work out hard every day, watch what I eat, and cut down on indulgences.
Me refiero a que, en mi caso, para no aumentar de peso he tenido que hacer intenso ejercicio a diario, cuidar mi alimentación y moderarme.
At first Ransom supposed that it was the toil itself which so weighted his limbs: but rest did not alleviate the symptom, and it was explained to him that their bodies, in response to the planet that had caught them in its field, were actually gaining weight every minute and doubling in weight with every twenty-four hours.
Al principio, Ransom creyó que sus brazos y piernas le comenzaban a pesar a consecuencia del ejercicio demandado por ese trabajo, pero, aún después de un descanso, los síntomas no se aliviaban. Se le explicó entonces que sus cuerpos comenzaban a aumentar de peso minuto a minuto, y que, cada veinticuatro horas, su peso total se duplicaba.
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