Traducción para "disturbed people" a español
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A lot of times, disturbed people -- they -- they get fixated on great men.
Muchas veces, personas perturbadas... se... se fijan en grandes hombres.
She worked with disturbed people all the time. Why didn't she see through this guy?
Trabajó con personas perturbadas todo el tiempo. ¿Por qué no pudo ver nada de este tipo?
These disturbed people—whom I would not presume to classify as psychopaths—all seemed strangely similar to me, victims of some kind of psychological epidemic.
Estas personas perturbadas —a las que no me atrevería a calificar de psicópatas— me parecían extrañamente similares, víctimas de alguna epidemia psicológica.
Single-handed, since 1980, he had committed many thousands of disturbed people to the Bureau's clinics scattered around the country; he was considered a brilliant psychiatrist and diagnostician and it had been a joke for years among us that sooner or later we would fall into Nisea's hands;
Él solito, desde 1980, había confinado a muchos miles de personas perturbadas a las Clínicas repartidas por todo el país: le consideraban un psiquiatra brillante y entre nosotros había corrido durante años, el chiste de que tarde o temprano caeríamos en manos de Nisea.
Obviously slightly offended, he continued. “And of course, mentally disturbed people.
Un poco ofendido, prosiguió—: Y, por supuesto, personas con trastornos psíquicos.
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