Traducción para "distance themselves" a español
Distance themselves
Ejemplos de traducción
It was time to distance themselves from as many of those facts as possible.
Había que distanciarse de tantos de esos datos como fuera posible.
She would repeat that the league must-for their own preservation-distance themselves from Hanish.
Diría que la Liga tenía —por su propio bien— que distanciarse de Hanish.
They had found a way of distancing themselves from the Chinese, and they had done so in the most effective way, by laughing at them.
Aprendieron a distanciarse de los chinos y lo hicieron de la manera más eficaz: tomándolos a risa.
In his experience, the motive that most often drove people to distance themselves from horror or tragedy was guilt.
La experiencia le dictaba que la razón principal que llevaba a las personas a distanciarse del horror o la tragedia era el sentimiento de culpa.
The guards with him took a few steps backward, as though to distance themselves from whatever repercussions might befall the man.
Los guardias que le acompañaban retrocedieron unos pasos, como si quisiesen distanciarse de las repercusiones que esto podría ocasionarle al administrador.
The others began to advance more quickly, trying desperately to distance themselves from their pursuers, hastening along the ledge, booted feet slipping and sliding dangerously.
Los otros apresuraron el paso, intentando desesperadamente distanciarse de sus perseguidores, resbalando con peligro de sus vidas.
Two hundred years of violent suppression hasn’t left them much freedom to distance themselves from their culture and look around.
Doscientos años de represión violenta no les han dejado demasiada libertad para distanciarse de su cultura y mirar a su alrededor.
All writers must know how to distance themselves, to detach themselves from this and that emotional moment, and Danny could do this-even at twelve.
Todos los escritores deben saber alejarse, distanciarse de tal o cual momento emotivo, y Danny era capaz de hacerlo, ya a sus doce años.
To strengthen the lie and further distance themselves from Sammy Went, Carol raised her under the pretence she was biologically hers.
Para dar consistencia a la mentira y distanciarse aún más de Sammy Went, Carol crio a la niña haciendo creer que era su hija biológica.
By trying to distance themselves from the bra-burning, hairy-armpitted bogeywoman, they disown and forget all the good this generation of women did.
En su afán por distanciarse de aquellas «mujeres del saco» que quemaban sujetadores con pelos en las axilas, repudia y olvida todo lo bueno que hizo su generación.
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