Traducción para "dirty mouth" a español
Dirty mouth
Ejemplos de traducción
Take your dirty mouth...
Tome su boca sucia...
Hello, Mr. Dirty Mouth.
Hola, don Boca Sucia.
Specifically by Mr. Dirty Mouth here.
Específicamente don Boca Sucia.
He's got a dirty mouth.
Tiene una boca sucia.
Take your dirty mouth and leave.
Tome su boca sucia y váyase.
- Daddy's got a dirty mouth.
- Papá es boca sucia.
Your dirty mouth's been on it.
Tu boca sucia ha estado ahí.
You've got a dirty mouth.
Eres boca sucia.
He had a dirty mouth.
Era un boca sucia.
You have a dirty mouth.
Tienes una boca sucia.
Mazzari is a dirty-mouthed little man.
Mazzari es un hombrecillo de boca sucia.
what did she come there for, to hear Hamlet’s dirty mouth?”
¿A escuchar la boca sucia de Hamlet?
"You got a dirty mouth on you, Ed," said one man leaning over to slap Mr. Healey on his thick shoulder. "See you tomorrow?" "With cash," said Mr. Healey.
—Ed, eres un boca sucia —dijo un individuo, inclinándose para palmotear a Healey en el grueso hombro—. ¿Te veo mañana? —Con dinero en efectivo —dijo Healey—.
He took another step nearer, and suddenly Christabel was terrified he would kill her and eat her, like in the monster stories Ophelia told at sleepovers, grab her and then bite her with that dirty mouth and the hole where his front tooth was supposed to be.
Dio otro paso adelante y, de pronto, Christabel temió que fuera a matarla y a comérsela, como en los cuentos de monstruos que Ofelia contaba a la hora de la siesta; creyó que la cogería y la mordería con esa boca sucia y con el agujero donde tenía que haber un diente.
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