Traducción para "cross oneself" a español
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Nonetheless, neither the prominence of anti-slut moralism nor the phenological custom of crossing oneself at each sighting of a noteworthy ass can successfully explicate what Pabst and Kamtchowsky took to be a more widespread sociological phenomenon.
No obstante, el protagonismo de la moral antiputa y la costumbre fenológica de santiguarse ante traseros meritorios no llegaba a explicar lo que percibían como un fenómeno sociológico más amplio.
The whole city, it seemed, was either crammed into the theater or else forming a queue outside in the street, and no one in that queue would have thought it unreasonable to knife his neighbor if it meant getting a seat or even standing room. There was, however, neither rhyme nor reason to what he was doing now, namely, getting involved in a minor skirmish following a chance collision on a street corner. Such conflicts were, of course, a regular enough occurrence in the Madrid of the day, where it was as common to unsheathe one’s sword as to cross oneself.
Toda la ciudad llenaba el teatro o hacía cola en la calle, lista para acuchillarse por motivos razonables como un asiento o un lugar de pie para asistir a la representación, y no por un quítame allá esas pajas tras un tropiezo fortuito en una esquina, que tal era el caso: ritual de costumbre en aquel Madrid donde resultaba tan ordinario desenvainar como santiguarse. Pardiez que a ver si mira vuestra merced por dónde va. Miradlo vos, si no sois ciego.
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