Traducción para "convincing him" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
“You’ll have to convince him.”
–Tendrás que convencerlo.
But there was no way to convince him.
Pero no hubo forma de convencerlo.
Will you seek to convince him - or not?
—¿Intentarás convencerlo o no?
But try and convince him.
Pero, por favor, trata de convencerlo.
I to convince him that I am still Emperor, you to convince him that you do not want to be one.
Yo a convencerle de que aún soy Emperador, y tú a convencerle de que no quieres serlo.
I was desperate to convince him. “It's not that.
– Estaba desesperado por convencerlo-. No es eso.
The point had been to gain Anson's cooperation by convincing him that he was not dealing with the same Mitch.
La idea había sido ganarse la cooperación de Anson, convenciéndolo de que el Mitch con quien trataba ahora no era el mismo de antes.
Mouloud Gaïd manages to convince him that under these conditions he should turn back: it feels like a plot.
Mulud Gaid acaba convenciéndolo de que, en esas condiciones, dé media vuelta: la cosa huele a complot.
She had played on his old loyalties to the Mother Nest, convincing him that it was in their mutual best interests to co-operate.
Sacó partido de su antigua lealtad al Nido Madre, convenciéndolo de que debían cooperar por el bien de ambos.
I'd get nowhere convincing him I needed to help my friends, and anyway, I had my own quest now.
No iría a ninguna parte convenciéndolo de que tenía que ayudar a mis amigos, y de todos modos, yo tenía mi propia búsqueda ahora.
I wondered if I had done him any favors by convincing him that he could afford the luxury of a childhood, however brief.
Me pregunté si le había hecho un favor convenciéndolo de que podía permitirse el lujo de tener una infancia, por breve que fuera.
It came at last, warming the blood in his veins, strengthening his heart like wine, convincing him that he was doing what was right.
Y llegó al fin, calentando la sangre de sus venas, fortificando su corazón como el vino, convenciéndole de que cuanto hacía era razonable.
He called Ed, found him just finished with his evening meal, and spent the next ten minutes convincing him that it really was Ben Holiday who was calling.
Llamó a Ed en el preciso momento en que éste acababa de cenar, y pasó los primeros diez minutos convenciéndolo de que era Ben Holiday.
No, rather, he felt it, thrumming with urgency through every facet of his body, guiding him through every subtle motion, and convincing him that nothing had ever been so right.
No, más bien la sintió, tamborileando con prisa por todos los rincones de su cuerpo, guiándolo a través de cada movimiento sutil, y convenciéndolo de que nunca nada había sido tan correcto.
Crane had walked around a dozen blocks, and finally the cold and his weariness and the thought of his bed had convinced him that he must have been wrong about the man in the Porsche.
Crane había caminado una docena de manzanas hasta que el frío, el cansancio y el pensar en su cama habían acabado convenciéndole de que debía de estar equivocado respecto al hombre del Porsche.
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