Traducción para "being truthful" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
- What? I'm being truthful!
¡Estoy siendo sincero!
You're not being truthful.
No estás siendo sincero.
You're not being truthful with me, Malcolm.
No estás siendo sincero conmigo, Malcolm.
You do not believe Daniel Jackson is being truthful.
¿No crees que Daniel Jackson está siendo sincero?
There's got to be something more than just your sense that this man wasn't being truthful.
Tuvo que haber algo más que sólo tu sensación de que este hombre no estaba siendo sincero.
Do you believe Archer's being truthful?
¿Crees que Archer está siendo sincero?
Are you certain that he is not being truthful?
Muy convincente. ¿Estás segura que no está siendo sincero?
All right, as long as we're being truthful here, you know, opening up?
Está bien, ya que estamos siendo sinceros, ya sabe, "abriéndonos".
And if I'm being truthful and honest... I still want to be with you.
Y siendo sincera y honesta... todavía quiero estar contigo.
“I am.” “You’re being truthful about it.” “Is that a good thing?”
—Lo estoy. —Estás siendo sincero. —¿Eso es bueno?
she answered, knowing she was not being truthful.
—Ni por asomo —respondió, sabiendo que no estaba siendo sincera—.
“Great,” Hedge muttered. “You’re being truthful.”
—Estupendo —murmuró Hedge—. Estás siendo sincero.
There was nothing to lose in being truthful, Brunetti thought.
Brunetti pensó que no tenía nada que perder siendo sincero.
- However, be truthful.
- Sin embargo, ser veraz.
Look, Falak... I can either be truthful or liberal.
Mira, Falak..puedo ser veraz o liberal.
I thought we were being truthful.
Pensé que éramos ser veraz.
The news doesn't have to be truthful anymore, just entertaining.
Las noticias ya no deben ser veraces sino entretenidas.
- What? We're supposed to be truthful here.
- Debemos ser veraces.
Convince him that you are unburdening yourself, being truthful.
Convencerlo de que son desahogo a ti mismo, ser veraz.
Telling the truth, being truthful...
Decir la verdad, ser veraz...
No, but I intend to be truthful.
No, pero intento ser veraz.
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