Traducción para "being conscious" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
:: Being conscious of what it would realistically take to lift one family from poverty
:: Ser conscientes de lo que, desde una perspectiva realista, sería necesario para sacar a una familia de la pobreza
"To be free, one must be conscious."
"Para ser libre, uno debe ser consciente".
The burden of being conscious...
La carga de ser consciente...
To be free you must be conscious.
Para ser libres, deben ser conscientes.
Alex didn't need to be conscious, but just merely efficient.
Alex no necesitaba ser consciente sólo meramente eficiente.
And we have to be conscious of the environment.
Y tenemos que ser conscientes del medio ambiente.
But how can I be conscious of something that I'm unconscious of?
¿Cómo puedo ser consciente de algo que es inconsciente?
- They going to be conscious?
- Ellos van a ser consciente?
I want to be conscious of every moment.
Quiero ser consciente de cada momento.
That's not consistent with being conscious.
No es consistente sin ser consciente.
He was still on guard, but without being conscious of the fact himself.
Seguía estando en guardia pero sin ser consciente de ello.
He seemed to sense a watcher without being conscious of the fact.
Parecía sentir un vigilante sin ser consciente del hecho.
Without even being conscious of it, her own heart and lungs fell into pace with his.
Sin ser consciente de ello, sus propios pulmones y su corazón empezaron a moverse al mismo ritmo que los de su amigo.
but being conscious of the problem obviously hasn’t been of much use, judging by his sentimental choices before Aileen.
Aunque, bueno, ser consciente no sirve de mucho, evidentemente, a juzgar por sus elecciones sentimentales antes de Aileen.
The few unseeing Besź pedestrians crossed without probably being conscious that they did so to the other side of the street.
Los pocos besźelíes desvidentes que pasaban por allí cruzaron, probablemente sin ser conscientes de hacerlo, al otro lado de la calle.
A commitment to being conscious, to being creative – whatever that means to you – a commitment to love, a desire for change; that is a life’s work.
El compromiso de ser consciente, de ser creativo, signifique lo que signifique para cada cual: el compromiso con el amor, con el deseo de cambiar, esa es la labor de una vida.
The Weaver dreamed of being conscious and its consciousness was its dream, in an endless unfathomable stew of image and desire and cognition and emotion.
La Tejedora soñaba con ser consciente y su consciencia era su sueño, en una interminable e insondable sucesión de imagen, deseo, cognición y emoción.
Caitlin knew from the reviews that many people simply couldn’t grasp the notion of being alive without being conscious.
Caitlin sabía por los comentarios de que muchas personas simplemente no podían entender la noción de estar vivo sin ser consciente.
How it could enjoy the sky being conscious that that I never said to him to people that as much matters to me who is Jesus?
¿Cómo podría disfrutar del cielo siendo consciente de que que nunca le dije a la gente que tanto me importa quién es Jesús?
His calm was so perfect that he could not destroy it even by being conscious of it.
Su calma era tan perfecta que no podía destruirla ni siquiera siendo consciente de ella.
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