Traducción para "banner bearer" a español
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Sakondor slew the archers’ banner bearer.
Sakondor mató al portaestandarte de los arqueros.
Yuskel, the banner bearer, walked up to Uldin and put his hand on his heart.
Yuskel, el portaestandarte, avanzó hasta Uldin y se posó una mano sobre el corazón.
Yuskel was especially good at spitting out muscular torrents of abuse at other banner bearers.
Yuskel se aplicaba con entusiasmo a escupir torrentes de insultos a otros portaestandartes.
Screaming, the banner bearer tried to engage Gerlach, thrusting the antlers of the Kul standard at him.
Gritando, el portaestandarte intentó trabarse en lucha con Gerlach, acometiéndolo con las astas de venado del estandarte kul.
Each emir rode at the head of his tribe with his drummers, trumpeters and banner-bearers preceding him.
Cada emir cabalgaba a la cabeza de su tribu precedido por sus tambores, sus trompetas y portaestandartes.
The Kul banner bearer was a short, thickset man in a mail shirt wound from heavy wire.
El portaestandarte kul era un hombre bajo y de constitución robusta que llevaba un camisote hecho con grueso alambre.
“When Lord Armond’s banner-bearer fell, I leapt down from my horse with traitors all around us—”
—Cuando se cayó el portaestandarte de lord Armond, bajé de mi caballo, rodeado de traidores…
Each king had his banner bearer and his maester in attendance, so the words that they exchanged are still remembered.
Cada rey iba acompañado de un maestre y un portaestandartes, por lo que ha quedado constancia de las palabras que cruzaron.
His bodyguard and banner-bearers followed him at the same wild gallop, firing their Martini-Henry rifles into the air.
Su guardaespaldas y portaestandartes lo siguieron en un galope tan salvaje como el suyo, disparando al aire sus fusiles Martini-Henry.
The drifting smoke made it hard to tell how far off they were until her banner-bearer pushed through the ragged grey curtain.
Con el humo era difícil saber a qué distancia estaban, hasta que el portaestandarte perforó la gris y deshilachada cortina.
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