Traducción para "at any rate" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
At any rate, it doesn't matter.
De todos modos, no importa.
It is said at any rate.
Esta dicho de todos modos.
At any rate, I'm not complaining.
De todos modos, no me lamento.
At any rate, I called it off.
De todos modos, la cancelé.
You've no bloody talent at any rate.
De todos modos, no tienes talento.
At any rate I sympathize...
De todos modos, lo compadezco.
At any rate, we shall know presently.
De todos modos, lo sabremos enseguida.
You'll remember that at any rate.
recordarás eso de todos modos.
I must go at any rate, sir.
Debo irme de todos modos, señor.
At any rate, the point is thank you.
De todos modos, gracias.
       'Be careful at any rate.
De todos modos, ándese con cuidado.
At any rate, they did not move.
De todos modos, no se movían.
but, at any rate, do something."'
pero de todos modos haz algo».
A benevolent war, at any rate.
De todos modos, es una guerra benévola.
At any rate, I’ll be there with you.
De todos modos, yo estaré allí contigo.
At any rate... they were all criminals who probably would have been executed.
Pero estos eran criminales que iban a ser ejecutados de todas maneras.
At any rate, it has a better memory than I have.
De todas maneras, tiene mejor memoria que yo.
At any rate, Your Grace, 'tis only one insignificant petty thief.
De todas maneras, Ilustrísima, apenas es un ladrón insignificante.
At any rate, with all the alcohol they've got on board, they wouldn't care if they were in the zoo eating hot dogs.
De todas maneras, con el alcohol que llevan en el cuerpo, les daría igual estar en el zoo comiendo perritos calientes.
At any rate, it is certain that he did.
De todas maneras es seguro que lo hizo.
At any rate, the pain reminded him of Bubsy.
De todas maneras, el dolor le recordó a Bubsy.
At any rate, you look splendid now.
De todas maneras, tienes muy buen aspecto ahora.
At any rate, in the evening they wouldn’t come to the Arche.
De todas maneras, por la noche no vendrían a L’Arche.
Beatrix at any rate looks happy enough.
De todas maneras, Beatrix parece bastante contenta.
“Not one that I know about, at any rate.” “How can that be?”
– De todas maneras, que yo sepa, no es nadie. – ¿Cómo es eso?
At any rate it’s the father, Raúl, who’s the main problem.
De todas maneras el más peligroso sigue siendo Raúl, el padre.
At any rate, it was definitely not a time period that lent itself to recording.
De todas maneras no habría valido la pena grabar este tramo.
And at any rate, who knows?
Y de todas formas, ¿quién sabe?
At any rate, I believe you.
De todas formas, te creo.
At any rate, for the time being.
- De todas formas, por el momento.
With you, at any rate.
Contigo, de todas formas.
At any rate, we'll need to operate.
De todas formas, hay que operar.
It had the howl, at any rate.
De todas formas, estaba aullando.
He’d expect that, at any rate.
De todas formas se lo esperará.
At any rate, I loved to pray.
De todas formas amaba la oración.
The experiment won't be a dangerous one at any rate.”
De todas formas, el experimento no será peligroso.
At any rate, it’s not important, I suppose.
De todas formas, no importa, supongo.
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