Traducción para "annoying him" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
I said that to annoy him;
Lo dije para molestarle;
Was she doing it simply to annoy him?
¿Lo hacía sólo por molestarle?
Now she was staring at the patch to annoy him.
Estaba mirando su parche para molestarlo.
Until perhaps you annoy him to death?
¿Piensas molestarle así hasta que se muera?
I was glad. I had meant it to annoy him.
Yo estaba contento. Lo había hecho a propósito para molestarle.
Let’s not annoy him any more than we have to.”
No hace falta molestarle más de lo indispensable.
Far from annoying him, the swaying was a source of reassurance.
Lejos de molestarle, el balanceo le proporcionaba confianza.
Their bleating, steady and monotonous, has begun to annoy him.
Sus balidos, constantes y monótonos, han comenzado a molestarle.
“What do you want?” I said, longing to annoy him.
—¿Qué quieres? —dije con el afán de molestarlo.
The Dean had been annoying him lately.
El Decano había estado molestándolo últimamente.
Clara had been to see him and he had threatened to have her arrested for annoying him.
Clara había ido a verle y él la amenazó con hacerla detener si seguía molestándole.
After a while his attention was called to the fact that someone had been annoying him for some time.
… Transcurrido cierto tiempo le llamó la atención el hecho de que alguien había estado molestándolo desde hacía rato.
“I was thinking that you must have treated the emperor as you did me, annoying him with constant nagging about what he should accomplish.”
—Estaba pensando que debiste de tratar al emperador igual que me tratas a mí, molestándolo constantemente con sermones sobre lo que debería hacer.
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