Traducción para "what matters is that are" a alemán
What matters is that are
Ejemplos de traducción
was zählt, ist, dass es
What mattered was that these three were here.
Was zählte war, dass die drei hier waren.
What mattered was that he had looked.
Was zählte, war, dass er sie gesucht hatte.
What matters is that people believe it.
Was zählt, ist, dass die Menschen sie glauben.
Your personal choice is what matters here.
Was zählt, ist, dass du selbst entscheidest.
What matters is that you put your faith in us.
Was zählt ist, dass du an uns glaubst.
What mattered was that the content meant contentment.
Es zählte nur, dass ihr Inhalt sie glücklich machte.
But what matters is that they are grown.” He shrugged.
Aber was zählt, ist, dass sie wachsen.« Er zuckte die Achseln.
What mattered was that he had lost them both.
Es zählte nur, dass er sie beide verloren hatte.
What mattered was that something had been done to her.
Es zählte allein, dass man ihr etwas angetan hatte.
What matters is that tonight the first is falling.
Was zählt, ist, dass heute die erste Akademie fallen wird.
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