Traducción para "leading law firm" a alemán
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My mother always mentioned that her husband was an alcoholic, immediately after she had stated that she held an important job with the city’s leading law firm.
Meine Mutter erwähnte immer, dass ihr Mann Alkoholiker war, sofort, nachdem sie verkündet hatte, dass sie einen wichtigen Posten in der führenden Anwaltskanzlei der Stadt bekleidete.
“There was probably something to do that she couldn’t leave to anybody else.” This cousin was a legal secretary, and she worked for a senior partner in what my mother always called, in her categorical way, “the city’s leading law firm.”
»Sicher gab es etwas zu tun, was niemand anders erledigen konnte.« Die Kusine war Anwältin und arbeitete bei, wie meine Mutter in ihrer kategorischen Art immer erklärte, »der führenden Anwaltskanzlei der Stadt«.
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