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Until two weeks ago the defendant worked as a farm laborer and odd-jobber for the Heymans.
Bis vor zwei Wochen hat der Beschuldigte Gelegenheitsarbeiten für die Heymans erledigt.
The men who actually traded in shares on the Exchange floor were known as jobbers: they were not allowed to deal directly with members of the public, so they took their orders from the brokers, many of whom had little offices (or ‘boxes’) on the periphery of the floor.
Weil die Männer, die auf dem Parkett tatsächlich mit Aktien handelten, nicht direkt mit Käufern interagieren durften, nahmen sie ihre Aufträge von Maklern entgegen, von denen viele kleine Büros (oder »Boxen«) am Rande des Parketts hatten.
some were like tenements and their cell-like rooms were occupied by the poorest of Fanqui-town’s foreign sojourners – small-time traders and money-jobbers, servants and minor daftardars. The most desirable lodgings in Fanqui-town were those that looked out on the Maidan, but these were few in number since the buildings were so narrow-fronted.
manche erinnerten an Mietshäuser, und ihre zellenartigen Räume wurden von den ärmsten Ausländern in Fanqui-Town bewohnt – kleinen Händlern und Maklern, Dienern und unbedeutenden Daftardars.
everyone who had ever met Rex knew of his affair with Brenda Champion; knew also that it was from this affair that he derived everything which distinguished him from every other stock-jobber;
Jeder, der Rex auch nur flüchtig kannte, wusste von seiner Affäre mit Brenda Champion und auch, dass er ihr alles verdankte, was ihn von den anderen Börsenhändlern unterschied.
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