Traducción para "point il" a ingles
Point il
  • point he
  • much he
Ejemplos de traducción
point he
Illustrer son point, il a composé une variation de le Charles Wesley cantique,
To illustrate his point, he composed a variation of the Charles Wesley hymn,
A tel point qu'il a arreté de bouger et s'est endormi.
Oh. At some point, he just stopped moving and started snoring.
Arrivé à la pointe, il attendit, il attendit...
Arrived at the point, he waited, he waited...
Avec seulement 160 points, il fait un pas de plus vers l'élimination.
With just 160 points, he is one step closer to elimination.
Mais avec seulement 50 points, il lui faudra beaucoup de chance pour rester en course.
But with only 50 points, he's going to need a lot of luck to move on.
Bien sur, sur ce point, il a besoin d'un miracle.
Of course, at this point, he needs a miracle.
Je crois qu'à ce point il est si proche d'être mon ex-mari.
I guess at this point he's so close to being my ex-husband.
Si je lui en fais une autre à ce point, Il est susceptible de subir un choc hémolytique.
If I give him another at this point, he's liable to suffer autoimmune shock.
A tel point qu'il a inhalé ces fibres.
At which point, he inhaled those fibers.
Avec 80 points, il se dirige vers Spinal Descent.
With 80 points, he moves on to Spinal Descent.
much he
J'ai oublié a quel point il était nul.
I forgot how much he sucked.
D'à quel point il t'aimait.
About how much he loved you.
Tu vois à quel point il t'aime.
How much he really loves you.
C'est dire à quel point il nous aimait.
That's how much he loved us.
À quel point il m'aimait.
How much he loves me.
A quel point il pleurait ?
How much he cried?
À quel point il t'aimait.
How much he loved you.
J'ignorais à quel point il savait.
I didn't know how much he knew.
...à quel point il me haïssait
How much he hated me
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