Traducción para "excitaient" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Mais discrètement, sous des apparences qui n'excitaient point la curiosité, sans éclat, sans un symptôme qui puisse dénoncer notre qualité d'étrangers.
But in the shadows, and with no signs as to excite curiosity in us, we were without a country. There wasn't a single hint that could give away our identity as outsiders.
Plus je courais, plus les chiens s'excitaient
The more I ran, the more excited the dogs became.
Toutes les histoires que je te racontais et qui t'excitaient!
Remember all the things that used to excite you?
Les astronomes arguaient de leurs théories, tous les ingénieurs s'excitaient à propos de variables et de champs magnétiques.
Astronomers argued over theory while engineers got pretty excited about variables and magnetic fields.
Un des trucs qui m'excitaient vraiment à l'idée de venir à New-York c'était parce je pensais que ça me donnerait la chance de recommencer, de me ré-inventer.
You know, part of why I was so excited to come to New York was because I thought it would be a chance for me to start over, reinvent myself.
Il choisissait des femmes qui l'excitaient sexuellement.
The angel maker chose women because they excited him sexually.
Alors que le voyage continuait, le Nautilus et sa force motrice excitaient de plus en plus ma curiosité.
As the voyage continued, the Nautilus and its motive power excited my utmost curiosity.
/ls racontaient des scandales, des choses choquantes qui excitaient notre imagination.
They would tell tales of scandals... Shocking things that aroused our imagination.
Ils hurlaient et excitaient tout le village.
Screaming, yelling, getting the whole village worked up.
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