Traducción para "et alla" a ingles
Et alla
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2.4 Ne recevant plus de nouvelles de cette affaire, l'auteur alla se renseigner en date du 3 juillet 1995 à la sous-section du Conseil d'État compétente.
2.4 After hearing nothing further about the matter, the author went on 3 July 1995 to the competent subsection of the Council of State to make inquiries.
7. L'évolution économique alla de pair avec l'évolution politique, interrompue toutefois par la Deuxième Guerre mondiale où le Grand-Duché fut occupé malgré son statut de neutralité, tout comme en 1914, par les troupes allemandes.
7. Economic progress went hand in hand with political evolution, but was interrupted by the Second World War, when, despite its neutral status, the Grand Duchy was occupied, as it had been in 1914, by German troops.
Le 26 avril 2000, le requérant alla visiter son ami et aperçut de nombreuses personnes autour de sa maison.
On 26 April 2000 the complainant went to visit Mr. Ben Brik and noticed a large number of people around the house.
George Michael, n'ayant eu aucune réponse chez lui, fit le sacrifice suprême et alla chez la gardienne des secrets de famille.
George Michael, having failed to get the information he needed from anyone else... made the ultimate sacrifice and went to the keeper of the family secrets.
Michael était moins ému et alla se vanter auprès de son père.
Michael was less torn and went to brag to his father.
Il ôta ses habits et alla s'asseoir au soleil levant.
He took off his clothes and went and sat in the morning sun.
Finalement, le brave prince tua le dragon et alla réveiller sa princesse.
Finally, the brave prince slew the dragon and went to awaken his beloved princess.
Il prit alors une serviette et alla jusqu'à l'évier du jardin.
He grabbed a towel and went to the sink in the garden.
Il abandonna le tournage après une dispute et alla prendre une cuite.
He walked off the picture at one point, in a dispute, and went on a bender.
et alla en Espagne faire la guerre aux fils de Pompée qui étaient tous trés jeunes.
and went into Spain to make war with the sons of Pompey who were very young.
Il coupa du bois pour le sacrifice, et alla à l'endroit désigné par Dieu.
"and cut wood for the burnt offering, "and went to the place of which God had told him."
En 1936, Wu eut une rechute de TB, et alla au Mont Fuji se reposer.
In 1936, wu had a TB relapse, and went to Mt - Fuji to rest-
Il est rentré du travail et alla droit à son repaire.
He came home from work and went straight to his den.
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