Traducción para "trocitos de carne" a ingles
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Cuando termino una comida en lo de Mulligan por semanas, quedan trocitos de carne en mi bigote, y yo me rehuso a limpiarlo porque de vez en cuando, un pedazo de carne cae en mi boca
When I'm done eating a Mulligan's meal, for weeks afterwards, there are flecks of meat in my mustache, and I refuse to clean it because every now and then, a piece of meat will fall into my mouth.
O sea, ¿debería pagar 800 pavos por ese trocito de carne? Claro que no.
I mean, should I pay 800 bucks for that tiny piece of meat?
Ya sabe que ella se fija en usted, siente admiración por usted y durante todo este tiempo usted la usted la estaba mirando como si fuera un trocito de carne.
You know she looks up to you. Has stars in her eyes for you! And all this time, you must have been... you must have been looking at her like she was a little piece of meat!
trocito de carne... para mí?
piece of meat... for me too '?
Nieve en el suelo y en los arroyos trocitos de carne para ratas.
Snow on the ground and in the gutters little pieces of meat for the rats.
Aunque tenía un trocito de carne, ahora que lo pienso.
“I did have a little piece of meat, though, come to think of it.”
Se sentó como antes, en el mismo sitio, y le alargó un trocito de carne.
He sat down as before, in the same spot, several feet away. He held out a small piece of meat.
–Como digáis, mi señor -dijo al tiempo que se sacaba un trocito de carne de entre los dientes.
“Whatever you say, m’lord,” he said. He sucked at a piece of meat between his teeth.
Me he pasado toda mi maldita vida contigo pegado a mí como un trocito de carne entre los dientes, sin poder desembarazarme de ti.
My whole damned life you've been stuck in me like a piece of meat between my teeth I can't get out.
Pasaron unos segundos durante los cuales Cadaverus se entretuvo en hurgarse los dientes con la lengua en busca de un trocito de carne. Lo escupió.
As the seconds ticked away, Cadaverous used his tongue to pick a piece of meat from between his teeth. He spat it out.
Nos sentamos en grupos y las mujeres del pueblo nos trajeron agua del pozo e incluso estofado: un trocito de carne para cada cuenco.
We sat in our groups and the women of the village brought us well water and even stew, each bowl with one small piece of meat.
Ha quitado la nieve, ha dejado una amplia extensión vacía y ha echado algo, el muchacho tiene la certeza de que se trata de trocitos de carne, mira de reojo a Helga, que no parece extrañada.
She has swept the snow aside, created a large, empty spot and sprinkled something on it, it looks very much to the boy like pieces of meat, he glances at Helga, who appears completely unsurprised.
Un tercer chechén se sentó en el asiento trasero, junto a Arkadi, sosteniendo un pincho de shaslik envuelto en un papel, y entregó a todos unos trocitos de carne, incluso al investigador, aunque de forma bastante displicente.
Another got in beside Arkady with a skewer of shashlik wrapped in paper and handed pieces of meat to everyone, including Arkady, not in a friendly fashion, more as if he were a despised guest.
Seljuken estaba comiendo de mal humor, arrancando los trocitos de carne del hueso con aire resentido.
Seljuken was eating sullenly, tearing the bits of meat from the bone with a vicious air.
Hundió la cuchara en su bol, y extrajo trocitos de carne junto con cebolla y otros vegetales.
    He dipped a spoon deep into his bowl, and brought up bits of meat along with onions and other limp vegetables.
Las enormes pailas, las fuentes de metal, los cuencos de madera ya habían sido llenados con trocitos de carne o con el lechoso sirope, su manjar preferido.
The enormous cauldrons, the metal dishes and wooden bowls, had already been filled with bits of meat or the milky syrup that was their favorite food.
Me divertía con Avizor escondiéndole trocitos de carne cuando salía de la habitación para después ver cómo los encontraba, olisqueándolos, al regresar.
I amused myself and Gilly by hiding bits of meat when he was not in the room and then watching him ferret them out when he returned.
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