Traducción para "tenido relaciones" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Tú has tenido relaciones con compañeras de trabajo.
Mm. You've had relationships with coworkers.
He tenido relaciones con strippers que han sido más serias.
I've had relationships with strippers... that were more serious.
He tenido relaciones que no han durado tanto.
I've had relationships that didn't last this long.
Hemos tenido relaciones con esta gente durante 20 años.
For 20 years we have had relationships with these people.
Lo sé. Todos hemos tenido relaciones en esta vida.
- We've all had relationships in this life.
Ambos hemos tenido relaciones con otras personas.
We've both had relationships with other people.
Sí, antes había tenido relaciones con hombres.
Yes, he had had relationships with men before.
¿Qué más? Ella ha tenido relaciones.
She's had relationships.
Yo también he tenido relaciones, pero nunca La Relación.
I've had relationships, but never the Big One.
Todd es una especie de «aceptamos toda clase de tarjetas». Ha tenido relaciones con hombres y con mujeres.
Todd's sort of 'anything goes.' He's had relationships with men and women.
Encontró por lo menos a media docena de mujeres que habían tenido relaciones, de dos o tres semanas de duración, con el guitarrista.
He found at least half a dozen women who had had relationships—of two or three weeks’ duration—with the guitarist.
Porque, no trates de engañarte, Livingston, tienes casi veinticinco años y jamás has tenido relaciones con mujeres que trasciendan lo puramente superficial.
Because let’s face it, Livingston, you’re nearly twenty-five years old and haven’t ever had relationships with women that transcend the superficial.
Este hombre ha tenido relaciones con mi esposa...
This man had relations with my wife...
He tenido... relaciones hace un rato.
I had... Relations earlier tonight.
No hemos tenido relaciones en años.
We haven't had relations in many years.
¿Has tenido relaciones con otros hombres?
Have you had relations with other men?
Günter y yo nunca hemos... tenido relaciones.
Gunter and I have never had... relations.
Sam y yo no hemos tenido relaciones.
Sam and I haven't had relations yet.
¿Sabías que Sherman... nunca ha tenido relaciones?
Cause you know Sherman. (WHISPERING) Sherman has never had relations.
No hemos tenido relaciones en tres años.
We haven't had relations in three years.
He tenido relaciones unas cuantas veces.
I've had relations a few times.
De haber tenido relaciones con su propia hija.
Had relations with his own daughter.
—¿Quiere decir que ha tenido relaciones con él?
‘You mean you’ve had relations with him?’
Parece que los dos han tenido relaciones con ella.
Both of them seem to have had relations with her.
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