Traducción para "suplicando" a ingles
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Si estuvieran todos los reyes de la tierra de rodillas suplicando por tu vida... si descendieran todos los santos del cielo a rogar por ti... no alcanzaría para salvarte.
If the king himself went down on his knees, begging me to spare your life... and all Heaven's holy saints should plead in supplication... it still wouldn't be enough to save you.
- Es un hombre suplicando...
- It needs to be a man supplicating...
He estado echada aquí, suplicando al gran dios, Hermes dios de los viajeros pidiéndole que enviara a alguien que fuera hacia Anfípolis.
I have been lying here supplicating myself to the great god Hermes..., ...the god of travellers, begging him to send someone who's on the way to Amphipolis.
Paddy ya no podía seguir suplicando.
Paddy found she couldn’t keep up the supplicant’s role anymore.
McPherson alargó una enorme mano, como si le estuviera suplicando al sol.
McPherson held out one massive palm, as if in supplication to the sun.
Cynthia juntó las manos, como suplicando, y se volvió hacia Hywel y Mary.
Cynthia pressed her palms together, as in supplication, and turned to Hywel and Mary.
las manos del ba se dispararon hacia Miles, como suplicando, como negando, desesperadas.
the ba's hands shot out toward Miles as if in supplication, in denial, in despair.
la otra mano, con la palma hacia afuera, era de proporciones grotescas. —¿Está suplicando? —pregunté.
the other hand, offered palm outwards, was enlarged grotesquely. 'Is he supplicating?' I asked.
Allí estaba Khumeni, una sombra plantada al pie del lecho, con la cabeza inclinada como si estuviera suplicando.
Khumeni was there, a shadow standing at the foot of the bed, head bowed almost as if in supplication.
Un niño chilló frente a él, varios hombres borrachos cayeron de rodillas suplicando.
A child cried out from across the way, several drunken men dropped to their knees in supplication.
La zeta adoptó la forma de un hombre suplicando de rodillas; la e la postura fetal de un niño muerto.
The z took on the shape of a kneeling, supplicating man, the e the fetal curl of a dead child.
El sacerdote que había estado celebrando la misa yacía en el suelo, con los brazos estirados, como si estuviera suplicando.
The priest who had been conducting the service lay prostrate on the floor, his arms outstretched as if in supplication.
La vaca muge, primero con voz de tenor, luego de contralto, agitando la cabeza de un lado a otro, como suplicando al candelabro.
The cow lows, tenor, then contralto, tosses her head from side to side, supplicating the chandelier.
Hoy estás suplicando, rezando.
Today, you're begging, praying.
Hermana Nicci. Pasaste tu vida suplicando estar unida al Custodio.
Sister Nicci, you spent your life praying to be united with the Keeper.
Suplicando para que de alguna manera ganaras.
Praying you'd win somehow.
Todo el mundo ha estado suplicando la ayuda de Dios.
Men and women here have been praying for God's help.
Recé a los Dioses de rodillas suplicando misericordia.
I prayed to the gods on my knees begging them for mercy.
Veía a su familia, suplicando, rezando.
I could see his family, pleading, praying.
¿a quién cree Ud. Que le están suplicando?
who do you think they're praying to?
Te estoy suplicando que me perdones, papá.
I'm praying... that you'll forgive me, Pop.
EI guardián, un tío peludo grande y fornido, suplicando:
The train guard, hair all over 6-foot-5 of him, praying:
Todos estos años he estado suplicando por tu silencio.
Through all these years, I've prayed for your silence so many times.
Los hombres alzaban sus brazos, suplicando misericordia;
Men threw up their arms, praying for mercy;
Se sorprendió suplicando en silencio que no fueran mentiras.
He found himself silently praying that he wasn't lying to her.
Mantuve los ojos fijos en él, suplicando, aguardando, rezando…
I kept my eyes on him, pleading, waiting, praying
Me encontré suplicando: «Por favor, que el semáforo se ponga en rojo.
I found myself praying, Let the light go red.
Concentré todas mis fuerzas, rezando a Almin, suplicando...
I concentrated all my effort, praying to the Almin, pleading.
La gente reza, alza los brazos hacia los barcos, suplicando.
People pray, raise their arms, pleading to ships in the harbor.
El 16 de febrero escribió: «Anoche recé suplicando ver a E.
On 16 February he wrote: ‘Last night prayed would see E.
Los soldados del norte cayeron de rodillas, persignándose y suplicando a Dios que se apiadara de ellos.
Soldiers from the north fell to their knees, crossing themselves and praying that God would spare them.
Su apariencia en público, suplicando. Sin duda.
For the latest developments in the search for Cody Martin we take you now live to Gannon, New Jersey where local detective Daniel Martin, uncle of the missing 4-year-old is about to make a public appeal to Cody's abductor.
Para librarse del sufrimiento de este mundo ellos se volvían hacia el vecino, suplicando a Buddha y a sus dioses autóctonos.
For release from the suffering of this world they turned to the next, appealing to Buddha, and their native Gods.
Lo padres de la víctima han hecho un llamamiento al secuestrador suplicando por el regreso de su hija a casa a salvo.
The victim's parents have made an appeal to the abductor... begging for their daughter's safe return.
Él mismo se humilla y escribe una carta personal suplicando a su gran enemigo, Stalin.
He will humble himself and write a personal letter of appeal to his great enemy, Stalin.
Por favor, te Io estoy suplicando.
Please, I'm appealing to you, Bud.
Era a él a quien Hue estaba suplicando.
It was to him Hue was appealing.
Le debía estar suplicando ayuda.
apparently appealing to him for support.
—exclamó Forrest suplicando con sus enormes manos extendidas—.
ejaculated Forrest, appealing with his huge outstretched hands.
Los viajeros se acercaban a los guardias y pedían su ayuda, gesticulando y suplicando, y eran rechazados.
Travelers were approaching these guards, appealing to them, gesticulating and begging, and being turned away.
En cuanto a los mayores..., los judíos del exterior se habían pasado cinco años suplicando a sus correligionarios de Alemania que salieran del país.
For five years the Jews had appealed to their German numbers to leave Germany.
—Estabas recurriendo a las artimañas femeninas, suplicando que trajera el rey a tu presencia y apelando a mi compasión porque te deseo.
You were resorting to feminine wiles, pleading for me to bring the king to you, appealing to my sympathies because I want you.
Estaba escondido en la arena cuando llegaron los aviones —dijo, suplicando como siempre que su nombre no saliera jamás a la luz—.
“I was hiding in the sand when the planes came,” he said, making the usual appeals that his name should never be printed.
La versión larga incluía sus gritos suplicando piedad… que duraban al menos dos minutos e iban seguidos de su asesinato.
The long version included his screaming appeal for mercy—which lasted for at least two minutes and is followed by his slaughter.
Temiendo que alguna embarcación próxima pudiese acercarse a investigar, ordenó a Tito que empujase con el remo las prendas de vestir hacia las profundidades del mar, una tarea que entrañaba sus dificultades, pues los terciopelos y las telas se aferraban a la pala de madera como suplicando mudamente salvamento, y Henry se vio obligado a empuñar él mismo un bichero para ayudar al barquero.
Fearing that some passing vessel might be drawn to investigate, he ordered Tito to use his oar to thrust the items of clothing down into the depths of the sea, a task of some difficulty, for the velvets and silks clung to the blade as if mutely appealing for rescue, and he was obliged to seize a boathook himself to assist the man.
Pero el poeta que otrora clavara un soneto en la puerta de su casa suplicando un trato amable para sus moradores a los soldados que pasaran ante ella no podía reproducir la adusta, implacable gravedad de los guerreros de Homero y Virgilio.
But the poet who once posted a sonnet on his door pleading for mild treatment from any passing soldier could not conjure up the grim, unforgiving urgency of Homer and Virgil’s warriors.
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