Traducción para "son lentos" a ingles
Son lentos
Ejemplos de traducción
they're slow
Son lentos, pero vendrán.
They're slow, but they'll be here.
Ellos son lentos, Jack.
- They're slow, Jack.
Está bien, son lentos.
It's all right. They're slow.
Son lentos jugando conmigo!
They're slow-playing me! Shoot them!
¿Por qué, pues son lentos?
Why, because they're slow?
Pero, oye, son lentas
But, gee, they're slow
Son lentos, lo sé.
They're slow, I know.
—¡Son lentos, Hogan, lentos!
'They're slow, Hogan, slow!'
Yo soy rápido..., opero en tiempo gigabit. Ellos son lentos.
I'm fast—I operate in gigabit time. They're slow.
Son lentos, y podremos escondernos entre las naves. ¿Skywalker?
They're slow, though, and there's enough cover by the ships. Skywalker?"
La pasan en todos esos restaurantes donde son lentos en servirte.
They play it in all those restaurants where they're slow in waiting on you.
—Buena idea. Pero tendrás que presionar al fotógrafo. Son lentos
'Good idea. But you will have to put pressure on the photographer. They're slow ...'
gritando contra el lento, lento, lento
Screaming against the slow, slow, slow
A cámara lenta, muy lenta.
In slow, slow motion.
Me notaba lento: lento con la espada, lento con los pies, lento y torpe con la pistola.
And I felt slow. Slow with a blade, slow on my feet. Slow and clumsy with a gun.
Eres lento, Lienzo, pero que muy lento.
You are 'slow', Canvas, 'slow'.'
Demasiado lento, demasiado lento, demasiado lento, joder.
“Too slow, too slow, too godsdamn slow.”
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