Traducción para "si al estar" a ingles
Si al estar
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yes to be
Si la respuesta es afirmativa:
If the answer is yes:
– Si. Si, no te preocupes.
Yes, yes, don’t worry.
Si, si, ya es hora.
Yes, yes. There’s time enough.’
– Si, si, Il oublie. Despacho. Oficina. Si. Está ahí.
Yes, yes, j ’oublie. I forget. Office. Yes. He is there.
–¿Me preguntas cuando empezará de nuevo? –Si, si ¡Si!
    "Are you asking me when you should start again?"     "Yes, yes, yes!"
Si no, procederemos de esta manera.
That not being the case, we shall proceed accordingly.
En caso contrario, si se ha programado la realización de esa auditoría.
If not, is such an audit being planned?
La PRESIDENTA dice que no queda claro si la Comisión Superior se está reestructurando o si se está creando un organismo totalmente nuevo.
The CHAIRPERSON said it was not clear whether the Higher Committee was being restructured, or whether an entirely new body was being established.
Pregunta si los programas de atención a la salud infantil que se están aplicando en la actualidad son sostenibles y si son objeto de supervisión.
He asked whether the children's health-care programmes currently being implemented were sustainable and if they were being monitored.
La delegada desea saber si se sigue aplicando el sistema, cómo se está capacitando al personal para hacerlo y si se cuenta con los recursos necesarios.
Was that system still being pursued, how were staff being trained to implement it, and were resources forthcoming for it?
Era como si me estuvieran torturando.
It was like being tortured.
Era como si me persiguiera.
It was like being haunted.
–No lo es, si es que lo están haciendo.
“Not if it’s being done.
Como si… estuvieran observándome.
As if… I’m being watched.
No si no estoy contigo.
Not without me being there.
Como si los estuvieran siguiendo.
As if they were being followed.
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