Traducción para "que son capaces de entender" a ingles
Que son capaces de entender
  • who are able to understand
  • they are able to understand
Ejemplos de traducción
they are able to understand
Cuando el residente sea capaz de entender y juzgar y acceda a que se le impida moverse, no se considerará que ha habido restricción de su libertad.
If the resident is able to understand and judge and agrees to being prevented from moving about, this is no restriction of freedom.
Si el menor es capaz de entender la esencia, el significado y la dimensión de la prueba clínica y formar su voluntad en consecuencia, se necesita también su permiso escrito.
If the minor is able to understand the essence, significance and extent of the clinical test and to form his will accordingly, his written permission is also required.
El tribunal debe tener también cuenta la opinión del niño, independientemente de que la haya expresado directamente o a través de una persona de su confianza (en adelante, persona de confianza) o si es capaz de entender su significado y consecuencias (art. 64, párr. 2).
The court must also take into consideration the child's view, whether he has expressed it himself or through a person he trusts (hereinafter referred to as: the confidant) or if he is able to understand its meaning and consequences (art. 64, para. 2).
Como excepción a esta disposición, el tribunal puede, en un procedimiento extrajudicial, permitir la celebración de un matrimonio de una persona privada de la capacidad de trabajar que lo solicite, si se determina que esa persona es capaz de entender el significado del matrimonio y las obligaciones dimanantes, y que el matrimonio redunda claramente en su interés.
Exceptionally from this provision, the court may, in an extrajudicial procedure, allow conclusion of marriage to a person deprived of work capacity at his or her request if determined that he or she is able to understand the meaning of marriage and obligations arising from it, and that the marriage is obviously in his or her interest.
Más bien el objetivo ha sido obtener una imagen de la forma en que las instituciones de la sociedad o diferentes partes de las mismas- son capaces de entender y tratar ciertas cuestiones y escuchar las opiniones de los niños al respecto.
Rather, the aim has been to obtain a picture of the way in which society's institutions - or different parts of them - are able to understand and handle certain issues and listen to the children's own views on the subject.
Nunca he sido capaz de entender la autoridad.
I’ve never been able to understand authority.
Ya te he dicho cuanto eres capaz de entender.
I’ve told you all that you are able to understand.
Jamás he sido capaz de entender lo que vio en él.
I’ve never been able to understand what she saw in him.
Es una de esas cosas que hoy nadie parece capaz de entender.
That is one of the things no one seems able to understand these days.
¿Esperabais que él fuera capaz de entender lo que vos no podíais?
Did you hope he would be able to understand what you could not?
Nunca ha sido capaz de entender qué es lo que ha visto Lucy en ella;
He has never been able to understand what Lucy sees in her;
Apenas es capaz de entender su propia naturaleza o su nuevo poder.
she is barely able to understand her own nature or her new power.
Aunque no sea capaz de entender más, es suficiente para asustarme muchísimo.
I may not be able to understand any more clearly than that, but it is enough to frighten me very badly.
Más de cerca, soy capaz de entender por qué la gente habla tan despectivamente de él.
At close range I am able to understand why people speak so slightingly of him.
El gobierno no parece capaz de entender ni explicar su autoridad, los motivos de sus decisiones.
The government does not seem able to understand or to explain its authority, the grounds for its decisions.
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