Traducción para "pasmado" a ingles
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Los residentes serbios quedaron pasmados al enterarse de que desconocidos estaban excavando las sepulturas de sus parientes sin su conocimiento ni aprobación.
The local Serbian residents were stunned to learn that unknown individuals were digging the graves of their relatives without their knowledge and approval.
66. El Sr. Gebreel (Jamahiriya Árabe Libia) se muestra pasmado ante las duras críticas formuladas por el representante de Israel y su falta de respeto no sólo de los miembros del Comité Especial y de los Estados que representan, sino de toda la comunidad internacional.
66. Mr. Gebreel (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) said he was stunned by the harsh criticisms voiced by the representative of Israel and his lack of respect not only for the members of the Special Committee and the States which they represented, but for the entire international community.
Picard estaba pasmado.
Picard was stunned,
Vaya, estoy pasmada.
Well, I am stunned!
Primero quedaron pasmados.
First they were stunned.
Floyd quedó pasmado.
Floyd was stunned.
¡Para quedarse pasmado!
Stun the crows.
- Pasmada, como yo.
- Stunned, like I am.
Me quedé pasmada.
I was stunned.
Solo está pasmado.
He's just stunned.
Me dejó pasmado.
I'm stunned.
Archer estaba pasmado.
Archer was stunned.
Eponine estaba pasmada.
Eponine was stunned.
Jebu estaba pasmado.
Jebu was stunned.
Los muchachos estaban pasmados.
The boys were stunned.
Estaba aturdido, pasmado.
He was stunned, speechless.
Hagrid estaba pasmado.
Hagrid looked stunned.
Todos se quedaron pasmados.
They were all stunned.
Ella lo miró pasmada.
She looked stunned.
Fuera, se quedó pasmado.
Outside, he was stunned.
—Dondragmer estaba pasmado—.
Dondragmer was aghast.
—repitió ella pasmada—.
she repeated, aghast.
Stacy se quedó pasmada.
Stacy looked aghast.
Me quedé mirándolo, pasmado.
I stared at it, aghast.
Moses Moses se quedó pasmado.
Moses Moses was aghast.
«¿Por qué?», preguntó Roggerio, pasmado.
“For what?” Roggerio demanded of him, aghast.
El beduino se detuvo, pasmado. –¡.Alá!
The Beduin halted, aghast "Ullah!"
Entré en el dormitorio y quedé pasmado.
I entered the bedroom and halted aghast.
Me puse en pie de un salto, pasmado.
I jumped to my feet, thunderstruck.
¡Estoy absolutamente y completamente pasmado!
I am absolutely and completely thunderstruck! Are you, now?
Cuando la gente viene a la iglesia y los ve, se quedan pasmados.
When people come into church and see them, they are thunderstruck.
¿Quiere quedarse pasmada?
Do you want to be thunderstruck?
Bankston estaba pasmado.
  Bankston was thunderstruck.
Yosef se quedó pasmado.
    Yosef was thunderstruck.
Miramos a Bentham boquiabiertos, pasmados.
We gaped at Bentham, thunderstruck.
Pasmado, Seregil se volvió y lo miró fijamente. —¿Dónde has oído eso?
Thunderstruck, Seregil turned to stare at him. "Where did you near that?"
Ginette, que se quedó verdaderamente pasmada al oírlo, fingió que no tenía la menor importancia.
Ginette, who was really thunderstruck to hear this, pretended that that didn't matter in the least.
y los mismos bellacos, ya no aullantes sino pasmados, le contemplaban desde abajo, en la plaza.
and the same rabble, no longer yelling, but completely thunderstruck, were staring at him from the streets below.
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