Traducción para "padre cuyo" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Todas las madres y padres cuyo hijo haya nacido después del 1º de enero de 2002 tienen derecho a recibir prestaciones para el cuidado de los hijos.
All mothers and fathers, whose child is born after 1 January 2002, are entitled to receive childcare benefits.
No obstante, en el caso de niños nacidos de madre coreana y padre cuyo país se rija por el principio del jus soli para determinar la nacionalidad, existe la posibilidad de apatridia.
However, in the case of a child born of a Korean mother and a father whose country follows the birth-place principle in determining nationality, there is a possibility that the child will have no nationality.
Mi padre, cuyo nombre era Ko, ...fue y me registró como Ko Tienlu.
My father, whose name was Ko... went and registered me as Ko Tienlu.
Su padre, cuyo problema es lo suficientemente aterrador como para hacer saltar a uno de los guardianes de un coche en marcha.
- Her father, whose trouble is scary enough To make a member of the guard jump out of a moving vehicle.
Debes admitir, que tener un padre cuyo mismísimo trabajo es el cumplimiento del código moral, llevaría a un superego sobre-desarrollado.
You must admit that having a father whose very occupation is the enforcement of the moral code would lead to an overdeveloped superego.
Pero, después de reflexionar, mi padre, cuyo amor por usted no conoce fronteras, ha decidido que... lo apoyará a usted.
But, after reflection, my father, whose love for you knows no border, has decided that he would rather support you.
Yo también tengo... un padre cuyo primer amor es su país.
I, too, have, um... a father whose first love is his country.
Vi lo que pudo haber sido sensibilidad, valentía mientras pensaba en mi padre, cuyo final está cerca y cuyo miedo es grande.
I saw what might have passed for sensitivity, bravery sympathy and strength all inscribed on the tablet of your face as I thought of my father, whose end is near and whose fear is great.
He perdido para siempre la espada de mis padres... cuyo poder tenía que servir para unir a todos los hombres... no sólo para la vanidad de un hombre.
I have lost for all time the ancient sword of my fathers whose power was meant to unite all men not to serve the vanity of a single man.
Tendrás que buscar a un padre cuyo nombre empiece con "A".
You have to search for a father whose name starts with U?
...un padre cuyo único legado fue el estigma de un crimen terrible.
A father whose only legacy was the stigma of his terrible crime.
Porque la escritura está solo a mi nombre me la dio mi padre cuyo padre se la dio a él.
Because the deed is solely in my name, given to me by my father, whose father gave it to him.
Ten un padre cuyo propio padre perdió lo que estaba ahí.
Have a father whose own father lost what was there.
Así escapó él a la suerte de mi padre, cuyo mandato provenía de la autoridad de su esposa.
And thus he escaped the fate of my father, whose mandate had come from his wife’s authority.
Qué puede pedir a ese Padre cuyo hijo Jesús dice: «Todo lo que le pidáis os lo dará.» ¿Un milagro?
What he could ask of this Father, whose son Jesus says: “Ask and it will be given to you.” A miracle?
Dos filas más allá, un padre, cuyo hijo por fin se había desplomado en sus brazos, estaba roncando.
Two rows up, a father, whose kid had finally passed out in his arms, was snoring.
Lo comenté con mi padre, cuyo conocimiento del mundo no era mucho mayor que el mío, y él tampoco tenía ni idea.
I discussed it with my father, whose knowledge of the real world was scarcely greater than my own, and he had no idea either.
Luego él había pasado su infancia allí, a merced de un padre cuyo corazón era tan cariñoso y blando como el de un glaciar.
He had spent his childhood here, at the mercy of a father whose heart was as warm and soft as a glacier.
El cura le diría a la reina que era inocente, pero que se equivocaba al juzgar a su padre, cuyo amor por ella era puro y santo.
The priest would assure her that she is innocent, but that she is misjudging her father, whose love for her is pure and holy.
El padre de Lucio hablaba poco sobre su padre, cuyo exilio a Alejandría consideraba un capítulo de la historia de la familia que era mejor olvidar.
Lucius’s father had spoken little of his own father, whose exile to Alexandria he considered a chapter of the family’s history better forgotten.
—estaba animando a Inglaterra en voz bien alta, para que su padre, cuyo equipo era el adversario, lo oyese—. ¡Estupendo!
He was cheering on England and doing it in a very loud voice so that his father, whose team was playing against England, would hear him. “Capital, sir, well done!
—Vamos a vencerles —le corrigió Jupe, con la áspera amabilidad de un padre cuyo niño ha sabido darle la respuesta correcta—. ¡Ya verás!
"We're going to beat them," he corrected with the gruff kindness of a father whose child has responded in exactly the right way. "You'll see!
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