Traducción para "oreja mutilada" a ingles
Oreja mutilada
Ejemplos de traducción
El ataque dejó como lamentable saldo, además de los 55 indefensos nativos muertos, entre niños, mujeres y hombres, otras 11 personas con heridas graves, quemaduras de tercer grado, orejas mutiladas, etc., cientos de niños huérfanos y decenas de familias sin enseres que sufrieron saqueos por parte de los terroristas.
The dreadful consequences of the attack included the deaths of 55 defenceless men, women and children, while 11 others were left with serious wounds, third-degree burns, mutilated ears and other injuries, hundreds of children were orphaned, and dozens of families lost property in looting by the terrorists.
William pudo ver la cicatriz en la oreja mutilada.
William could see the scar on his mutilated ear.
Sin apartar la mirada de la oreja mutilada de Luke, el hombre —Mattie— se llevó la mano al bolsillo y sacó medio rollo de caramelos.
Still not taking his eyes from Luke’s mutilated ear, the white guy—Mattie—reached into his pocket and brought out half a roll of Life Savers.
71. YAMAZAKI YAMAZAKI, sombrío y nervioso, desciende al bullicio de primera hora acompañado por un australiano muy grande, de cabeza afeitada, y oreja mutilada.
71. YAMAZAKI YAMAZAKI, grim and nervous, descends into the early morning rush hour accompanied by a very large Australian, shaven-headed, with one mutilated ear.
Por haber tenido que morder el polvo, su cara era una sola arruga y su pelo crespo estaba lleno de un polvillo gris; incluso la oreja mutilada había empalidecido y parecía un buñuelo.
His face because of the dust of surrender was utterly in wrinkles, and his poodle hair was filled with gray powder and even his mutilated ear was whitened like a cruller.
Con la frente medio tapada por una penosa gorra de lana erizada, un vendaje basto cubriéndole la oreja mutilada, la mirada inasible, el pintor parecía lamentar haber nacido.
His forehead was half hidden by a wild, dreadful haircut, his mutilated ear was covered with a bandage, and his expression was evasive: he looked as though he regretted having come into this world.
—Por favor, Amlis, ahórrese todas esas gilipolleces —dijo con la voz enronquecida y apartando la mirada mientras se le saltaban las lágrimas y resbalaban por la mejilla hasta desaparecer en la horrible abertura de su oreja mutilada.
‘Oh please, Amlis: spare me this shit,’ groaned Isserley, looking away from him as the tears squirmed out of her eyes and ran down one cheek to disappear inside the ugly stoma of her mutilated ear.
La veo apretándose las sienes con ambas manos, harta ya de mis fechorías de chaval desquiciado: Solo escuchas con una oreja, con la que atiendes de buena gana a tus demonios mientras la otra hace caso omiso de la razón… Y en este preciso instante, justo antes de disolverme entre las volutas de la nada, comprendo por qué ese diablo de Van Gogh de oreja mutilada se coló sin permiso en mis sueños y en mi locura. Pero ya es demasiado tarde.
I see her again, her head in her hands, angry at my wild, boyish mischievousness: You only listen with one ear, the one you willingly lend to your devils, while the other is deaf to all reason … And it is at that precise moment, just before I dissolve among the swirls of nothingness, that I understand why that diabolical van Gogh, with his mutilated ear, broke in on my nights and on my madness. But it is too late.
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