Traducción para "no podía" a ingles
No podía
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Esta situación no podía continuar.
This could not continue.
Observó que, el derecho al desarrollo, aunque no podía cambiar el mundo, sí podía contribuir a mejorarlo.
He observed that while the right to development could not change the world, it could help to make it better.
Luego dijeron que el Irán no podía tener esto, que no podía tener lo otro...
Then they said Iran could not have this, could not have that.
Esa situación no podía tolerarse.
That could not be countenanced.
A menudo, o bien no se podía hallar a las víctimas o no se podía identificar a los policías.
Often, either the victims could not be found or the policemen could not be identified.
No podía mantenerse en pie y apenas podía hablar, comer o beber.
He could not stand and could hardly talk, eat or drink.
Se observó que podía utilizarse la IED para mejorar la infraestructura, la que a su vez podía atraer más IED.
It was noted that FDI could be used to improve infrastructure, which itself could attract more FDI.
España no podía reclamar el Territorio y el Reino Unido no podía ceder.
Spain could not claim the Territory and the United Kingdom could not cede it.
Eso podía cambiar.
That could be changed.
Se sostuvo que Nueva Caledonia no podía ser independiente, sino "algo parecido", en otras palabras, el Territorio "no podía pertenecer a Francia, pero tampoco podía ser independiente".
It was argued that there could not be independence for New Caledonia, rather "something which would have to look like it". In other words, the Territory "could not be with France, but it could not be independent either".
No podía moverme, no podía hablar.
I could not move, could not talk.
No podía llegar a, ya saben, no podía.
I could not get to, you know, could not.
Él no podía...
He could not.
No podía dormir.
Could not sleep.
"Yo no podía reír, no podía bailar, Yo no podía hablar una palabra."
I could not laugh, I could not dance, I could not speak a word.
-¿No podía hacerlo?
- You could not?
No podía, Dr. Watson, no podía.
I could not, Doctor Watson, I could not.
Podía ser, podía ser, podía ser.
They could, they could, they could.
Podía caminar    Podía flotar    Hasta podía caminaflotar
Could walk Could skim Could even walk-skim
Podía ser, pero no podía pensar.
It could be, but it could not think.
No podía leer, no podía pensar, no podía descansar.
He could not read, he could not think, he could not rest.
No podía esperar, es que no podía.
Could not wait, just could not wait.
Sí, podía. Teóricamente, podía.
Yes, she could. Theoretically, she could.
Él no podía alcanzarlo, no podía dominarlo.
He could not reach it, could not command it.
Cuando llegamos a Puerto Príncipe, me matriculé de nuevo, pero no podía asistir a la escuela por las mismas razones de antes." (Participante de Haití.)
When we arrived in Port-au-Prince, I was enrolled again, but I couldn't attend for the same reasons as before." (Participant from Haiti.)
Mi padre no podía imaginar que le fueran a atacar así.
My father couldn't imagine he would be targeted like this.
Al principio me asustaba, pero como era un modo fácil de ganar dinero descubrí que no podía dejar de hacerlo.
At the beginning it was frightening but as it was an easy means of making money, I discovered the habit couldn't be stopped.
No podía ver nada.
I couldn't see anything.
Yo no podía creerlo y pensaba que la gente estaba exagerando.
I just couldn't believe it and I thought that people were exaggerating.
Un adolescente, que estaba herido y no podía moverse, tuvo que permanecer durante cuatro días entre los cadáveres antes de poder ser evacuado.
One teenager, who was wounded and couldn't move, had to stay with the bodies for four days before he was evacuated.
No podía arriesgarme a perturbarlo.
I couldn't risk upsetting him.
Vi a dos soldados subidos a la toldilla que desde allí apuntaban a algo que yo, desde la cubierta, no podía ver.
I saw two soldiers on top of the roof standing there holding their guns down at something on the roof that I couldn't see.
Cuando asistía a la escuela en las provincias, mi madre no podía encontrar dinero para comprar materiales escolares.
"When I was in school in the provinces, my mother couldn't find money to buy school materials.
El Tribunal determinó también que la Dependencia no podía exigir a una institución financiera la entrega de información bancaria, sin orden judicial.
The court also held that the Financial Intelligence Unit couldn't require the disclosure of banking information from a financial institution without a court order.
NO PODÍA DORMITAR, no podía estar despierto, no podía escribir, no podía pensar.
I COULDN'T nap, I couldn't stay awake, I couldn't write, I couldn't think.
Aquello no podía ser verdad, no podía ser.
This couldn't be true, it couldn't.
No podía ser… no podía ser de ningún modo.
But it couldn't be—of course it couldn't be.
no podía ser verdad. Sencillamente, no podía.
simply couldn't be true. Couldn't.
No podía hablar... no podía moverse.
She couldn't speak—couldn't move.
Wendy no podía moverse, no podía respirar.
She couldn't move, couldn't breathe.
Tarod no podía moverse, no podía pensar;
Tarod couldn't move, couldn't think;
No podía dormir ni podía escribir.
I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't write.
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