Traducción para "no defensivamente" a ingles
No defensivamente
  • not defensively
Ejemplos de traducción
not defensively
Dejemos de actuar defensivamente en lo económico y empecemos a actuar con valentía en lo político.
Let us stop being economically defensive, and start being politically courageous.
Primero, la República de Bosnia dentro de la unión propuesta de las Repúblicas de Bosnia y Herzegovina debe ser viable geográfica, económica, política y defensivamente.
First, the Bosnian Republic within the proposed Union of the Republics of Bosnia and Herzegovina must be viable geographically, economically, politically and defensively.
Durante las negociaciones, como las que se están celebrando en la OCDE acerca de un acuerdo multilateral sobre inversiones, sólo se denuncia defensivamente el incremento de los derechos que adquieren las empresas multinacionales y las instituciones mundiales no sometidas a control social en vez de abogar por que se dé primacía al derecho de los derechos humanos y las obligaciones correspondientes.
Particularly in respect of negotiations such as those currently underway in the OECD on a Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), arguments tended to be only defensively concerned about the increasing rights accruing to multinational corporations and socially unaccountable global institutions, rather than proactively advocating the primacy of human rights law and corresponding obligations.
–He estado demasiado ocupado-defensivamente.
“I’ve been too busy,” defensively.
Agitó la mano defensivamente.
He jerked his hand defensively out.
Los hombros de Rojo se tensaron defensivamente.
Red’s shoulders tightened defensively.
—No me lo he inventado yo —dijo ella defensivamente—.
“I didn’t invent this myself,” she said defensively.
—Pero son divertidas —dijo defensivamente Oniko.
"But they're kind of funny," Oniko said defensively.
— Y añadió defensivamente —: Bueno, ¿qué pasa?
„It cost two thousand credits.“ Then, defensively, „Well, what of it?
Aferró defensivamente la jabalina que empuñaba. —¡No!
Her hands gripped defensively the javelin she was holding. “No!
Alzaron sus picas y las mantuvieron defensivamente ante ellos.
They snatched up their pikes and held them defensively before them.
— Pode ter sido — respondeu Elyaas defensivamente.
“It might have been,” Elyaas said defensively.
—Bien… es una pena —opinó el mayor defensivamente—.
‘Well, I mean – it seems a pity,’ said the Major defensively.
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