Traducción para "negruzco" a ingles
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El humus es una sustancia negruzca que da un tono oscuro a la tierra superficial.
Humus is a blackish substance which gives a dark colour to the topsoil.
Tu nariz está negruzca.
It's blackish at the top of your nose bridge.
Sí, como colores casi negruzco -
Yeah, like almost blackish colors--
Y a medida que íbamos alrededor de Bend Bullion al lado de la carretera, vi esa cosa blanca negruzca.
And as we were going around Bullion Bend... On the side of the road I see this blackish white thing.
Luego, se torna negruzco o amarronado, lo que indica el fin del período.
That may turn to a brownish or blackish sludge, which signals the end of the flow.
"Tras estos cambios", continuaba Gervasio "la Luna, en toda su longitud se puso negruzca".
After these transformations," Gervase continued "the moon from horn to horn that is along its whole length took on a blackish appearance."
Sus ojos son color marrón negruzco y profundos.
Her eyes are blackish brown and deep.
El agua era negruzca.
The water was blackish.
Tenía los brazos llenos de hematomas negruzcos—.
Her arms were dotted with blackish bruises.
Una cuerda negruzca serpenteó desde lo alto.
A blackish rope snaked down from the flies.
Un líquido negruzco estalló alrededor de la empuñadura.
Blackish liquid exploded around the hilt.
y el ventrículo derecho lleno de un coágulo negruzco;
and the right ventricle full of a blackish coagulum;
Manchas negruzcas situaban New Jersey.
Blackish smudges suggestive of New Jersey.
Cielo negruzco, luz escasa y calles desiertas.
Blackish sky, minimal light, and deserted streets.
No había mantequilla, sólo una mermelada negruzca que parecía jarabe.
There was no butter, only a blackish syrupy kind of jam.
El suelo estaba casi recubierto por un lodo pardo-negruzco.
The floor was almost covered with blackish-brown slime.
Cuando empezaron a bajar los viajeros busqué entre ellos a alguien de rostro negruzco.
As the passengers got off I looked among them for someone with a nigrescent face.
un asentamiento de negros en Livingston, en la costa caribeña, es anglohablante) se postraban ante la virgen negruzca que «cargada con suntuosos juguetes —escribe Morelet—, recibe exclusivamente el tributo de los fieles de raza africana».
a settlement of blacks at Livingstone on the Caribbean coast is English-speaking) had prostrated themselves before the nigrescent virgin who 'loaded down with sumptuous toys,' remarks Morelet, 'receives exclusively the homage of the faithful of the African race.'
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