Traducción para "mccaskey-" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
El cura que ofició su funeral... el Padre Sean McCaskey.
The priest who officiated their funeral... Father Sean McCaskey.
Sgto. McCaskey, coja la línea 3.
Sgt. McCaskey, pick up line three.
Si McCaskey rechaza pagar, muéstrale de qué madera estas hecho.
If McCaskey doesn't come across with that 10th Street building, let him have it.
Conoces a Ed McCaskey.
You know Ed McCaskey.
Padre McCaskey, soy la Detective Kate Beckett.
Father McCaskey, I'm detective Kate Beckett.
Homicidios, habla McCaskey.
Homicide, McCaskey speaking.
Era Darrell McCaskey para Rodgers.
It was Darrell McCaskey for Rodgers.
McCaskey se encontraba en la oficina de Interpol en Madrid.
    McCaskey was at the Interpol office in Madrid.
Pidió que la comu-nicaran con la habitación de Darrell McCaskey.
She asked to be connected with Darrell McCaskey's room.
El doctor McCaskey acaba de arreglarte el hombro.
Dr. McCaskey just finished fixing your shoulder up.
McCaskey le había dicho que avisaría al Op-Center.
McCaskey had said he would inform Op-Center.
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