Ejemplos de traducción
Los dirigentes del SRRC aseguraron al experto que no se maltrataba a los prisioneros de guerra.
The SRRC leaders assured the expert that prisoners of war were not mistreated.
También dijo que se maltrataba a los solicitantes de asilo árabes, en especial los procedentes de Argelia, en los países de acogida e instó a los gobiernos a que observaran el derecho internacional de asilo.
The observer also referred to the mistreatment of Arab asylum-seekers, especially those from Algeria, in host countries and called on Governments to apply the international asylum law.
78. El abogado también señaló que a menudo se maltrataba con dureza durante la detención a las personas acusadas de delitos relacionados con el narcotráfico, que muchas veces se las privaba de acceso a las instalaciones sanitarias y se las mantenía esposadas y encadenadas juntas en el tribunal y que los juicios "nunca duraban más de unos minutos".
78. The lawyer also further reported that individuals accused of drug offences were often severely mistreated while in detention, often deprived of access to hygienic facilities, handcuffed and shackled together in court, and that their trials "never last more than a few minutes".
¿De qué otro modo le maltrataba?
How else did she mistreat you?
Pensaba que tu proxeneta no te maltrataba.
I thought your pimp didn't mistreat you.
Los maltrataba pero después de la función venía,
He'd mistreat us but then after the show he'd go,
¡Acaba de admitir que la maltrataba!
You've just admitted you mistreated her!
- Tú indicaste que maltrataba a tu hermana.
- You indicated he mistreated your sister.
¿Por qué maltratabas a Daniel de esa manera?
Why did you mistreat Daniel that way?
- ¿Su esposa maltrataba al niño?
- Did your wife mistreat the child?
Marshall maltrataba a su hija.
Marshall's mistreating his daughter.
¿Mencionó Marigold que alguien la maltrataba?
Did Marigold mention anyone mistreating her?
¿También maltrataba a su madre?
Did he mistreat your mother, too?
Maltrataba a sus caballos, y huelga decir que maltrataba a su familia.
He mistreated his horses, and it goes without saying that he mistreated his family.
¿Por qué me maltratabas?
Why did she finally mistreat me so?
¿Su padre la maltrataba, señorita Rousseau? —¿Maltratarme? ¿De qué modo? —De cualquier modo.
Did your father mistreat you, Miss Rousseau?' 'Mistreat me? In what way?' 'In any way.'
Si el informe resultaba negativo, nunca las maltrataba.
If the report was less than excellent, he would never mistreat the girl;
Maltrataba a mi madre continuamente y nos pegaba por los motivos más triviales.
He mistreated my mother terribly, and beat us regularly for the most trivial reasons.
Lo recuerdo perfectamente de cuando yo era un crío: un tipo de lo más desagradable, que maltrataba a los débiles.
I clearly remembered Funi from my childhood, a crass character who mistreated the weak.
Si tocaba a las criaturas, si las maltrataba, ¿se lo perdonaría a sí misma?
If he ever touched her girls, if he mistreated them, could she ever forgive herself?
Cigarra sufría al ver cómo maltrataba aquel palo en el que tan cuidadosamente había insuflado ella el Espíritu.
Locust cringed at the mistreatment of the pole she had taken such care to breathe Spirit into.
Arnau había visto cómo maltrataba a los presos por el simple hecho de sostenerle la mirada.
Arnau had seen him mistreat prisoners just because they had dared to meet his gaze.
Le decía que Eunice me maltrataba, tanto con palabras como físicamente, que le echaba de menos y que le quería mucho.
I would say to him that I was mistreated by Eunice in word and deed and that I missed him and loved him very much.
Al parecer el Sr. Sikuku maltrataba a la Sra. Arach con saña, hasta el punto de provocarle un aborto.
It is reported that Mr. Sikuku abused Ms. Arach severely, to the point of causing a miscarriage.
Se les acusa, entre otras cosas, de haber puesto un control de carretera donde se secuestraba, maltrataba y daba muerte a personas pertenecientes en la etnia tutsi.
He is accused, among other things, of having set up a roadblock where members of the Tutsi ethnic group were kidnapped, abused and killed.
D. tenía un novio que la maltrataba física y psicológicamente y que con frecuencia la amenazaba con un arma de fuego.
D.'s boyfriend physically and psychologically abused her and regularly threatened her with a firearm.
Como resultado de su éxito económico, la mujer entabló un procedimiento de separación legal de su marido, que la maltrataba.
As a result of her economic success, the woman initiated a legal separation from her abusive husband.
Una mujer que abandonó a un marido que la maltrataba está al parecer todavía encarcelada en la prisión de Ta'iz desde que fue detenida en julio de 1998.
A woman who left her abusive husband is allegedly still detained in Ta'iz prison since her arrest in July 1998.
Samia abandonó al esposo que la maltrataba y pidió un divorcio.
Samia left her abusive husband and asked for a divorce.
Hay informes de que tanto el personal masculino como femenino de las escuelas maltrataba habitualmente a los niños indígenas, lo que a veces los llevaba a suicidarse4.
There are reports that both male and female school personnel routinely abused native children, sometimes leading to suicides among these children.4
Enocha declaró además que su padre también le maltrataba mucho.
Enocha also went on to testify that his father was also very abusive towards him.
Su último propietario lo maltrataba.
It was abused by its last owner.
Creemos que la maltrataba.
We believe he was abusing her.
Se corre el rumor de que la maltrataba.
Rumor is he was abusive.
Que te maltrataba, que se deshizo de ti.
Abused you, threw you out.
- Dicen que te maltrataba.
We hear that he was abusive.
Su último propietario le maltrataba.
He was abused by his last owner.
Se fue porque la maltratabas.
She ran because you're abusive.
¿Artie la maltrataba?
Artie was abusive?
Su marido la maltrataba.
Her husband was abusing her.
–¿Ella también lo maltrataba?
“Was she abusive as well?”
Tu marido Urano te maltrataba.
Your husband Ouranos was abusive.
Sabías que mi padre me maltrataba.
That my father was abusive and harsh.
—Simon Carter maltrataba a su mujer.
Simon Carter abused his wife.
Era su forma de enfrentarse a un padre que maltrataba.
That was her way of taking care of the abusive father.
Mamá se casó con otro capullo, que la maltrataba.
Mom married a new ass-hole, and this one abused her.
¿A Marvin de su tormento, al hermano que la maltrataba?
Marvin from his torment, the brother who abused her?
Durante la investigación sospechamos que tu padre maltrataba a tu madre.
There was some indication during the investigation that your dad was abusive to your mother.
—¿Crees que Thomas Metcalf maltrataba a su mujer?
“I think Thomas Metcalf might have been abusing his wife.”
19. Esas brutales violaciones son perpetradas de la manera siguiente: a) a las mujeres las violaban varios autores, se las maltrataba físicamente y al mismo tiempo se las obligaba a cometer actos de felatorismo y a tragar esperma; b) sus familiares más próximos (marido, hijos, padres) debían presenciarlo y a menudo eran mutilados, heridos con armas blancas o simplemente muertos a tiros; c) se capturaba a un grupo de mujeres que eran violadas por numerosos autores sucesivamente, en algunos casos se violaba al mismo tiempo a madres e hijas.
19. The characteristics of brutal rapes are as follows: (a) women were raped by several perpetrators, physically maltreated, and at the same time forced to fellate and swallow sperm; (b) their immediate family (husband, children, parents) had to watch it, and were very often maimed, stabbed with knives or simply shot; (c) a group of women was captured and raped several times in a row by a great number of perpetrators, and in some cases mothers and daughters were raped at the same time.
—Inclinó la cabeza sobre el desayuno intacto mientras maltrataba un fragmento de tostada entre los dedos—.
She bowed her head over her uneaten breakfast, maltreating a fragment of toast between her fingers.
Su madre también la maltrataba pero, como ya sabes, murió hace cuatro días al ser alcanzada por una piedra lanzada por el volcán.
Her mother also maltreated her, but she, as you know, was killed four days ago by a rock ejected from the volcano.
Siempre parecía enfadado y denunciaba que la mayoría khoush nos maltrataba, a pesar de que nos necesitaba, a nosotros y a nuestros astrolabios, para sobrevivir.
He was angry and always speaking out about the way my people were maltreated by the Khoush majority despite the fact that they needed us and our astrolabes to survive.
Pero Tarzán de los Monos a menudo era una criatura impulsiva, y se dio cuenta de que no le gustaba el joven con cara de rata y de que nunca podría gustarle, mientras que la muchacha a la que maltrataba parecía doblemente agradable por su evidente aversión a su atormentador.
now he realized that he did not like the rat-faced young man, and that he never could like him, while the girl that he was maltreating seemed to be doubly likable because of her evident aversion to her tormentor.
Tengo un testigo que dice que vio como maltrataba a Marisa justo antes de que le dispararan.
I got a witness who saw him manhandling Marisa right before she was shot.
El gentío maltrataba a su dueño.
The crowd manhandled the owner.
Gershwin tan pronto maltrataba Manhattan como París.
Gershwin was still manhandling Manhattan one moment, Paris the next.
Los hábitos adquiridos en sus veinte años de práctica de la abogacía, durante los cuales maltrataba y ridiculizaba con regularidad a fiscales y policías, no le abandonaron una vez en el estrado.
The habits of twenty years as a defense lawyer, in which he regularly manhandled and belittled prosecutors and police, have never left him on the bench.
al ver que Reitmeyer lo maltrataba y lo tironeaba, negándose a aceptar que no conseguiría nada y sin cejar en su intento de hacerle dar una voltereta, se quejó con impetuosos susurros, con ultimátums y amenazas inconclusas.
then, as Reitmeyer manhandled and yanked, refusing to see it wouldn't work, trying to cartwheel him halfway around, he complained in fierce whispers, with ultimatums and unfinished threats;
Ahora, cuando Clarence maltrataba a un negro con la porra o con la culata del revólver que le correspondía llevar por su cargo, lo hacía casi con objetividad, como si no se relacionara ni con la piel negra del maltratado ni siquiera con su carne de ser humano, sino simplemente con su situación presente de vulnerabilidad legal como campo de pruebas o caja de resonancia donde comprobar de nuevo, quizá incluso asegurarse a sí mismo día a día, de hasta dónde llegaba exactamente su poder oficial y su inmunidad legal y también hasta qué punto seguía conservando la fuerza corporal a pesar del inevitable paso del tiempo.
Now when Clarence manhandled a Negro with the blackjack he carried or with the butt of the pistol which he now officially wore, it was with a kind of detachment, as if he were using neither the man's black skin nor even his human flesh, but simply the man's present condition of legal vulnerability as testing ground or sounding board on which to prove again, perhaps even reassure himself from day to day, just how far his official power and legal immunity actually went and just how physically strong, even with the inevitable passage of time, he actually remained.
Y Sam Whipplestone cree que maltrataba a su gata.
And Sam Whipplestone thinks she ill-treated his cat.
Padecía malaria intermitente y se sabía que maltrataba a su esposa.
He suffered from recurrent malaria and was known to ill-treat his wife.
Los «investigadores» modernos me informan que Beethoven estafaba a sus editores y que maltrataba a su sobrino de manera abominable;
Modern ‘researchers’ inform me that Beethoven cheated his publishers, and abominably ill-treated his nephew;
otras veces, en cambio, lo maltrataba –sobre todo cuando había bebido whisky–, le daba patadas y le tiraba piedras o tizones encendidos.
sometimes he would ill-treat it, especially after he had been at the whiskey, kicking it, beating it, pelting it with stones or lighted fusees.
Inclusive en los reinos donde su industria era proveedora de las cortes y, en caso necesario, auxiliar del poder real, se los maltrataba de pronto.
Even in the kingdoms where their business supplied the courts, and, on occasions, served as an auxiliary to the royal power, they were now and then suddenly ill–treated.
No venía enviado por Kaka-ji a traer la noticia de que Juli estaba enferma o muriéndose, o muerta… o de que su marido la maltrataba.
This was no bearer of bad tidings sent by Kaka-ji to break the news that Juli was sick or dying, or dead – or even that her husband was ill-treating her.
Solo pensar que la policía tal vez tuviera sospechas de que Jon maltrataba a su hijo le producía mareos. Reparó en que se estaba agarrando al borde de la mesa. A una incipiente ira le siguió un alivio enorme.
The thought that the police possibly suspected Jon of ill-treating Sander and causing his death made Joachim dizzy, and he stopped himself from gripping the edge of the table.
Los propios vecinos le hacían la vida imposible, denunciándola continuamente al ayuntamiento, a la Sociedad Protectora de Animales y a la policía, pero sus quejas no dieron ningún fruto, pues el ayuntamiento no podía echarla de su propia casa, no maltrataba a sus gatos y no estaba lo bastante loca como para ser internada en una institución.
The same neighbors made life difficult for her by reporting her regularly to the local council, the RSPCA and the police, but nothing came of their complaints because the council couldn't force her out of her own house, the cats were not ill-treated and she wasn't mad enough to be committed to an institution.
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