Traducción para "la escritura de la novela" a ingles
La escritura de la novela
  • the writing of the novel
  • writing the novel
Ejemplos de traducción
the writing of the novel
Una beca de la Guggenheim Foundation financió en parte la escritura de esta novela.
A grant from the Guggenheim Foundation helped to finance part of the writing of this novel.
Parte del proceso creativo que alimentó la escritura de esta novela consistió en la recolección de noticias aparecidas en la prensa internacional entre 2008 y 2012.
Part of the creative process that nourished the writing of this novel was going through stories that appeared in the international press between 2008 and 2012.
Pasaron los meses entre la escritura de aquella novela que no tenía título y largos paseos por Barcelona con Alicia, que había empezado a querer saberlo todo.
A few months went by between the writing of that novel that had no title and long walks through Barcelona with Alicia, who had started to want to know everything.
Mi mejor amiga, Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz, por su apoyo, amor y aliento durante nuestra larga amistad, y sobre todo durante el proceso de escritura de esta novela.
My best friend, Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz, for her love, life support, and constant encouragement throughout our long friendship, and most especially during the writing of this novel.
Para un defensor de las virtudes prácticas de la democracia es una satisfacción comprobar que gracias a una de las más valiosas, la transparencia, le ha sido posible obtener materiales decisivos para la escritura de una novela.
For a defender of the practical virtues of democracy, it was a great joy to confirm that thanks to one of its most valuable ones, transparency, I had access to materials that were essential for the writing of this novel.
Específicamente, con la escritura de una novela moderna en japonés. A poco de comenzar el relato descubrí que la revelación por sí sola no me facilitaba la tarea.
had been allayed, only to be replaced by the difficulties inherent in writing a modern novel in Japanese based on the story I’d been given. For reasons that will become apparent later, the initial elation that accompanied what came almost as a revelation did not last.
Houellebecq le había dicho, al rememorar su carrera narrativa, que siempre se puede tomar notas, tratar de llenar renglones de frases, pero para emprender la escritura de una novela hay que esperar a que todo se vuelva compacto, irrefutable, hay que esperar a que aparezca un auténtico núcleo de necesidad.
You can always take notes, Houellebecq had told him when talking about his career as a novelist, and try to string together sentences; but to launch yourself into the writing of a novel you have to wait for all of that to become compact and irrefutable. You have to wait for the appearance of an authentic core of necessity.
writing the novel
Es imposible expresar con palabras el agradecimiento que siento hacia el sinfín de personas que me ayudaron a lo largo de los tres años que duró la escritura de esta novela.
IMMEASURABLE THANKS TO the great number of people who helped me over the three years of writing this novel.
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