Traducción para "independizarse" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Tal vez sea ése el futuro de los tuareg: independizarse de nosotros.
Maybe that is the future for the Tuaregs, perhaps they should become independent of us.
Lord Cobham falleció en 1749 y Brown decidió independizarse.
In 1749, Lord Cobham died and Brown decided to become independent.
Las crías, que maduran rápidamente, deben independizarse antes de cumplir un año.
The fast-maturing young are expected to become independent within their first year.
Puesto que habían tenido la audacia de independizarse de uno de mis Estados clientes, que los malditos flotasen por su cuenta durante una temporada».
Since they had the audacity to become independent of one of my client states, they will damn well float on their own for a while.
Pero soñaba con independizarse, y con poder tratar a su amada esposa del mismo lujoso modo con que Steve trataba a Rochelle.
But he dreamed of becoming independent, of being able to treat his own beloved wife in the luxurious manner Steve treated Rochelle.
apego a una madre superdominante en conflicto con la necesidad de crecer e independizarse: disgusto de un empleado en conflicto con la necesidad de trabajar para ganarse la vida.
attachment to an over-possessive mother conflicting with the need to grow up and become independent; dislike of an employer conflicting with the need to make a living.
este experimento muestra claramente que hay sistemas monetarios que están tratando de independizarse de los intermediarios estadounidenses mientras avanzan hacia una mayor digitalización.
this experiment clearly shows that there are monetary systems that are trying to become independent from US intermediaries while moving towards greater digitization.
Primero corrigieron las narraciones anteriores de J y E, adaptándolas a las condiciones del siglo VII[123]. No hicieron añadido alguno a las historias de los patriarcas Abraham, Isaac y Jacob, que no les interesaban, y se concentraron en Moisés, que había librado a su pueblo de la esclavitud en Egipto, en un momento en que Josías esperaba independizarse del faraón.
First, they edited the earlier J and E narratives, adapting them to seventh-century conditions.123 They made no additions to the stories about the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who did not interest them, but concentrated on Moses—who had liberated his people from slavery in Egypt—at a time when Josiah was hoping to become independent of the pharaoh.
Al independizarse siguió siendo parte en la Convención sobre los Refugiados de 1951 pero no ratificó el Protocolo de 1967.
It had succeeded to the 1951 Refugee Convention on gaining independence but had not ratified the 1967 Protocol.
Las víctimas que intentan independizarse también tienen la oportunidad de solicitar un préstamo.
Victims attempting to establish their independence were also given an opportunity to borrow money.
Suriname pasó a ser una república en 1975 tras independizarse de los Países Bajos.
Suriname became a republic in 1975 following independence from the Netherlands.
Al independizarse en 1960 el país adoptó una Constitución republicana en el marco del Commonwealth.
After its independence in 1960, the country adopted a Republican Constitution within the Commonwealth of Nations.
La revolución cubana ha demostrado que es posible luchar e independizarse del dominio norteamericano.
The Cuban Revolution had proved that it was possible to fight and win independence from United States domination.
Algunas de ellas se habían heredado de la administración colonial al independizarse el país y se habían introducido muy pocos cambios en ellas.
Some of the legislation had been inherited from the colonial administration at independence and very few changes had been made to it.
De esta manera se reducen los obstáculos al empleo para las familias que desean independizarse de la ayuda social.
This reduces the barriers to employment for families wishing to be independent of Income Support.
Gustavus Vasa, el general que llevó a Suecia a independizarse de Dinamarca a un gran riesgo para él.
Gustavus Vasa, the general who led Sweden to independence from Denmark and at great personal risk to himself.
¿Le habrá dejado al Sr. Frank Churchill suficiente dinero como para independizarse?
Will she have left Mr. Frank Churchill enough money to make him independent?
Quería independizarse, así que ahora es agente inmobiliario.
She wanted her independence, so she got her realtor's license.
Él ayudó a otras colonias a independizarse y hará lo mismo por nosotros.
He helped other colonies gain their independence, and he'll do the same for us.
¿Realmente no creemos que todo eso de independizarse tenga nada que ver con Brandon, no?
We really don't think that this Independent Living thing has anything to do with Brandon, do we?
Veda prefirió independizarse de mí, por el momento.
Veda prefers her independence from me at the moment.
Están peleando para independizarse de China.
They're fighting For independence from china.
Probablemente quieran independizarse del resto de mi cara... y crear su propio estado independiente de cejas.
They probably want to cede from the rest of my face and set up their own independent state of eyebrows.
—¡Nadie logra independizarse de él!
Nothing's independent of him!
Eso es lo que, por lógica, significa independizarse.
This is what it logically means to gain independence.
Les encantaría independizarse de Francia.
‘They’d certainly like to be independent of France.
– ¿Y cómo tiene pensado independizarse?
And how do you plan to support this independence?
¿Independizarse, primero de su casa, después de su patrón?
To be independent, first of his family, then of his boss?
La primera era el intento de Capadocia de independizarse de Anatolia.
The first was the Cappadocian attempt to win independence from Anatolia.
El propósito de Isabel era, en efecto, independizarse de Roma.
Hers was to modify religion, in order to reclaim independence from Rome.
El primer paso para independizarse era conseguir un diploma de lo que fuera.
Her first step toward independence was to obtain a diploma of some kind or other.
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