Traducción para "incuestionable" a ingles
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El documento es de incuestionable interés.
The document is of unquestionable interest.
Su contribución al derecho y la práctica de los Estados Partes es incuestionable.
Their impact on the law and practice of State Parties is unquestionable.
La pertinencia de esta propuesta es incuestionable, y hay que adoptar otras medidas.
The relevance of this issue is unquestionable, and further steps in this area are needed.
La validez de ese objetivo resulta incuestionable.
The validity of such an objective is unquestionable.
Habrá que replantearse muchos enfoques que parecían incuestionables.
Many seemingly unquestionable approaches would need to be rethought.
Al igual que Israel tiene el derecho incuestionable de vivir en paz dentro de fronteras seguras, el Estado palestino también tiene un derecho incuestionable a existir.
Just as Israel has an unquestionable right to live in peace within secure borders, the Palestinian State also has an unquestionable right to exist.
La responsabilidad que tiene Israel de ofrecer una indemnización es incuestionable.
Israel's responsibility to provide compensation was unquestionable.
La representatividad de la Unión es incuestionable.
The representative nature of the IPU is unquestionable.
Nuestro compromiso de ocuparnos del racismo y la desigualdad es incuestionable.
Our commitment to addressing racism and inequality is unquestionable.
Bien, porque era incuestionable.
Good, 'cause it was unquestionable.
Y entonces... la idea se vuelve incuestionable, porque no puedes cambiar la naturaleza.
And then... it becomes unquestionable, because you cannot change nature.
Como explicó Amau de Vilanova En su incuestionable libro
Like Amau de Vilanova explained in his unquestionable book
Tu fidelidad es incuestionable, Amán.
Your fidelity is unquestionable, Haman.
Un plan digno de mi genio total, absoluto e incuestionable.
A plan worthy of my total, utter, unquestionable genius.
Su incuestionable brillantez...
Your unquestionable brilliance--
Un idealista con un corazón puro y honor incuestionable.
An idealist with pure heart and unquestionable honour.
Queremos agradecerte por tu valentía, tu lealtad, e incuestionable patriotismo.
We want to thank you for your bravery, your loyalty, and unquestionable patriotism.
La virginidad de mi hija es incuestionable.
My daughter's virginity is unquestionable.
Un espíritu incuestionable, del que careces.
An unquestionable spirit, which you have not.
Aquello era una verdad incuestionable.
That was unquestionably true.
Sus credenciales eran incuestionables.
His credentials were unquestionable.
—¿Incluida una lealtad incuestionable?
Including unquestionable loyalty?
Su sentido de la obligación era incuestionable.
His sense of obligation was unquestionable.
Su porte clásico es incuestionable.
She has, unquestionably, a classic countenance.
—Ninguna de veracidad incuestionable, majestad.
‘None of unquestionable veracity, your majesty.’
Sus antecedentes hablan por sí mismos. —Incuestionables.
'Her record speaks for itself.' 'Unquestionably.
Un arte preciso e incuestionable, hombre del puente.
A precise and unquestionable art, bridgeman.
Las normas eran incuestionables.
The rules were beyond question.
La grandeza de su tío era incuestionable.
The greatness was beyond question.
—El valor de Rommel es incuestionable.
“Rommel’s physical courage is beyond question.
En su propio hogar, la supremacía de un padre es incuestionable.
Within his own home, the supremacy of a father’s will is beyond question.
En todo lo demás, representaba la idea grandiosa, establecida y concreta de la vida, y en este sentido él era importante e incuestionable.
Apart from this, he represented the great, established, extant Idea of life, and as this he was important and beyond question.
Era mucho mejor acatar a un emperador cuya legitimidad era incuestionable y disfrutar de la estabilidad de una dinastía reinante.
How much better it was to bow to an emperor whose legitimacy was beyond question and to enjoy the stability of a ruling dynasty.
Nunca afirmaba que su autoridad derivase de Moisés, no discutía sus orígenes o potestad, sino que asumía ostentosamente que su competencia era incuestionable.
It never claimed to derive its authority from Moses, never discussed its origins or authority, but loftily assumed that its competence was beyond question.
Los comandantes de campo de Vervun Primario, cuya valentía es incuestionable, no transmitieron, ya sea porque no pudieron… o porque no quisieron, las órdenes estratégicas para reorientar a sus fuerzas ante el asalto.
Field commanders of the Vervun Primary, whose bravery is beyond question, failed to relay strategic orders or were unable—or unwilling—to redirect their forces in the face of the assault.
Que se han visto cosas extrañas es algo ya incuestionable… El número de personas pensantes, inteligentes y educadas, en plena posesión de sus facultades mentales, que han «visto algo» y lo han descrito crece día a día.
That strange things have been seen is now beyond question … The number of thoughtful, intelligent, educated people in full possession of their faculties who have “seen something” and described it grows every day.
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