Ejemplos de traducción
Pero pequeñas cosas como esa no iban a detenerlo.
But small things like that were not going to stop him.
En esta aldea, los niños de más edad no iban a la escuela.
In this village, older children did not go to school.
Les pregunté por qué se iban para Europa.
I asked them why they were going there.
El hermano gritó que no se iban a ir.
The brother shouted that they were not going to leave.
Él creía que lo iban a fusilar.
He thought that they were going to shoot him.
Dijeron que iban a paralizar la construcción de asentamientos.
They said that they are going to freeze the settlements.
¿A dónde iban?
Where were you going?
Iban al nordeste.
They are going northeast.
Iban a salir.
You were going out.
No se iban.
They wouldn't go away.
¿Dónde iban después?
Where'd they go after?
Y se iban...
And they go...
Iban a matarlo, pero primero iban a torturarlo.
They were going to kill him; but they were going to torture him first.
Pero, ¿por qué iban?
But why did they go?
No iban a ser deportistas y no iban a pelearse con nadie.
They weren’t going to be athletes, and they weren’t going to fight anybody.
Ellas no iban a encaramarse a la plataforma, estaba claro que no iban a hacerlo.
They weren’t going to board the raft, they certainly weren’t going to do that.
¿Qué iban a emplear como comida, y cómo iban a conseguirla?
What were they going to use for food, and how were they going to get it?
Iban a dejarlo marchar.
They were going to let him go.
¿Iban a casarse?
You're due to be married?
¿Iban a trasladarme?
I was being transferred?
Todos iban cantando.
They'd all be singing.
Iban a asesinarme.
I was to be killed.
La única razón por la que no se los detuvo ni se los sometió al control oportuno fue que dijeron que iban camino de Osetia Meridional.
The only reason they were not stopped and properly checked was their statement that they were heading to South Ossetia.
La gira incluía la firma de un balón por los Jefes de Estado de los países africanos y latinoamericanos que iban a participar en el torneo internacional.
The tour comprised of the passing of a football to the Heads of State of the African and Latin American countries participating in the international tournament to sign.
Los golpes iban dirigidos a zonas sensibles y vitales como la cabeza, los ojos, pero también el vientre y los órganos sexuales y los miembros inferiores y superiores.
They aimed for vital or sensitive parts of the body such as the head and eyes, but also the lower abdomen and genitals, as well as the upper and lower limbs.
138. Los atacantes iban vestidos de uniforme de diverso tipo y se cubrían la cabeza con turbantes.
138. The attackers were dressed in various types of uniform and covered their heads with turbans.
27. Sin embargo, a medida que las personas que regresaban se dirigían a sus aldeas, iban siendo recibidas por minas terrestres.
27. However, land-mines greeted the returnees as they were heading to their villages.
También iban en aumento las familias encabezadas por niños (el 4,2%) como resultado del VIH/SIDA32.
Households headed by children had also emerged (4.2 per cent) as a result of HIV/AIDS.32
En qué dirección iban?
Heading in which direction?
¿Hacia dónde iban?
Where were you two headed?
¿Iban a Singapur?
- Are we headed back to Singapore?
Iban hacia el norte.
They were headed north.
- ¿Sabe adónde iban?
- Any idea where they were headed?
Iban camino a
They were headed...
Todos iban hacia las escaleras.
Heading for the stairs.
¿Adonde iban todos?
Where were these people headed?
Iban al centro comercial.
They would head for the mall.
Perfecto, iban a salir.
Perfect—they were headed out.
Iban en la misma dirección que ellos.
Ominously, in the direction they were heading.
También iban a alguna parte.
They were headed somewhere, too.
Iban directas hacia él.
They were heading directly for him.
Iban a dirigirse hacia el sur.
They were heading south.
¿Por qué iban a alejarse del oceáno?
Why would they head away from the ocean?
Iban hacia la orilla.
I saw them heading down to the river.
66. En la JS1 se señaló que, en 11 municipios de Serbia, más de 400 niños iban a pie hasta sus centros de enseñanza primaria, sin servicios de transporte adecuados.
66. JS1 noted that in 11 municipalities of Serbia, more than 400 children walked to school without adequate transportation to their elementary schools.
Podía verse cómo algunas personas iban y hacían algunas señales y coordinaban las cosas.
We observed some people who were walking and showing them some signals; they were coordinating things.
Dos niñas de 4 y 5 años que iban caminado solas por una plantación de café fueron violadas por un hombre de 21 años.
Two girls aged 4 and 5 years walking alone in a coffee plantation were raped by a 21 year-old man.
En la mitad de esos accidentes los niños iban en bicicleta o paseando.
In half of these accidents, children were either bicycling or walking.
Nos hicieron caminar mientras ellos iban en sus camellos.
They made us walk while they rode their camels.
Las que iban a los pozos a primera hora de la mañana o a última hora de la tarde, cuando había menos cola, corrían el riesgo de ser raptadas o sufrir agresiones sexuales.
Those who walked to the boreholes early in the morning or late at night -when the queues are shorter - were at risk of abduction and sexual assault.
El 18 de marzo por la tarde, el personal de las Naciones Unidas destinado en el puesto de observación 73 vio una explosión en las proximidades de una posición cercana de las FDI, donde cuatro soldados de esas Fuerzas iban caminando.
3. In the afternoon of 18 March, United Nations personnel at observation post 73 observed an explosion in the vicinity of a nearby IDF position where four IDF soldiers were walking.
Iban caminando juntos.
They were walking together.
Lo siento, las cosas iban demasiado rápido.
Sorry, things walked too fast.
Iban juntos, hablando.
They were walking together and talking.
Eran jóvenes. Iban rápido.
They were young and walking at a fast pace.
Aquellos que iban con alfombras.
The guys that walk around with rugs.
Se iban cuando yo entraba.
They were leaving as I was walking in.
Dijo que iban en direcciones opuestas.
Says they walked off in opposite directions.
¿Hacia qué dirección iban?
Which way were they walking?
Revolvieron algunas cosas cuando se iban.
Knocked some things over then walked away.
Como iban hacia el estudio.
As they walked towards the study.
Iban caminando, no a caballo; los fimbrianos caminaban, no iban a caballo.
They walked, they didn't ride the Fimbriani walked, they didn't ride.
Y además iban descalzas.
And they walked barefoot.
Iban en mulas o caminando.
They rode mules or they walked.
Iban con zapatos de tacón.
They were walking in high heels.
Después se iban juntas.
Then they would walk to school together.
Tarde o temprano se iban.
Sooner or later they walked away.
– ¿De verdad iban descalzas?
“Did they really walk barefoot?”
Iban por la carretera de Ballyconneely;
They walked along the Ballyconnelly road;
Además, aviones de combate a reacción egipcios rebasaron la barrera del sonido repetidamente y se dispararon proyectiles que iban a caer en el mar después de pasar por encima de la ciudad.
The Egyptian forces also broke the sound barrier repeatedly with Egyptian jet fighters and fired mortar shells that passed over the town and fell into the sea.
En el mes de febrero los tribunales militares israelíes condenaron a muchos palestinos de los territorios ocupados a fuertes penas que iban de penas de prisión a la de cadena perpetua.
In February 1994, Israeli military courts passed harsh sentences of imprisonment, including life imprisonment, on residents of the occupied territories.
Cuando los ucranios iban a partir del aeropuerto de Conakry los funcionarios de aduanas los inspeccionaron y les encontraron una pequeña cantidad de diamantes.
When the Ukrainians were passing through the Conakry airport to depart, customs inspected them and found a small quantity of diamonds on them.
En el mes de marzo, los tribunales militares israelíes condenaron a palestinos de los territorios ocupados a penas que iban desde la cadena perpetua hasta la detención por un período determinado.
In March 1994, Israeli military courts passed harsh sentences of imprisonment, including life imprisonment, on residents of the occupied territories.
Dijeron que iban a dejar que pasara.
They said they would let it pass.
¿iban de paso?
They just passing through here?
No iban de paso.
They weren't passing through.
¿Solamente iban de paso? Vamos.
I mean, you're just passing through?
Dijeron que iban de paso por aquí.
They said they were passing through here.
Me iban pasando de curso.
They just kept passing me up.
Los días iban pasando.
The days were passing.
Los días calurosos iban pasando.
The hot days passed.
Así iban pasando los meses.
So the months had passed.
Iban todos hacia la Puerta Negra;
They have passed on to the Black Gate;
Las bandejas iban arriba y abajo.
The plates passed up and down.
Las estaciones llegaban y se iban, una tras otra.
The seasons came and passed, one after another.
En el debate ulterior sobre este tema, los dirigentes de las esferas de asociación existentes indicaron las medidas que iban a tomar para seguir, en el marco de sus esferas, las orientaciones que reflejarían los resultados de la reunión actual.
In further discussion under the item, the leads from the existing partnership areas indicated the steps they would take to pursue, within their areas, directions that would reflect the outcomes of the current meeting.
108. A las 13.30 horas, en el distrito Qusur de Deir Ezzor, patrullas de seguridad y de las fuerzas del orden fueron blanco de disparos mientras perseguían a cuatro terroristas armados que iban en dos motocicletas.
108. At 1330, in the Qusur district of Dayr al-Zawr, security and law enforcement patrols came under fire while pursuing four armed terrorists on two motorcycles.
Afortunadamente, los interceptores que los perseguían iban sin tripulación.
Fortunately, the interceptor guard ships that were pursuing them were unmanned.
Iban a terapia, pero Sam finalmente la dejó por otra mujer.
They attended counseling, but Sam ultimately left her to pursue another woman.
¿Por qué iban los hombres en pos de las mujeres?
Why did men pursue women?
Algunas me persiguen, estúpidas. ¿Y por qué no iban a hacerlo?
A few of them pursue, foolishly, and why wouldn’t they?
aquellos hombres no nos iban persiguiendo a de De Puntillas y a mí.
these men were not pursuing me and Tiptoe.
Iban persiguiendo sus labios a medida que las palabras caían de ellos.
They pursued his lips as the words tumbled from him.
Los dos jinetes que lo perseguían iban ganando terreno.
The two horsemen pursuing him were gaining on him.
La señorita Atta estaba con él y los dos iban persiguiendo a Mina.
Lady Atta was with him, and they were both pursuing Mina.
Sin embargo, los hombres iban detrás de ella y, por alguna razón, a mí no me hacían caso.
But the men pursued her, and for some reason, ignored me.
Un orador dijo que era importante que en los debates sobre la revisión cuatrienal amplia que iban a celebrarse se reconociera que no existía una solución que sirviera para todo.
262. A speaker said that in the upcoming discussions on the QCPR, it was important to recognize that one size does not fit all.
Los otros no iban a entrar.
The other ones wouldn't have fit.
Stockton, pero no estábamos seguros cómo iban a encajar con los rusos.
Stockton, but we weren't sure how they would fit with the Russians.
Los intentos de Karen Desai para encajar iban tan bien como los de Danny.
Karen Desai's attempts to fit in went about as well as Danny's.
Iban a ser para el Prometeo para sustituir... su armamento de protección en la próxima revisión.
They were originally slated for Prometheus on the next re-fit.
¡Te dije que no me iban a quedar!
I told you they wouldn't fit!
Yo pensé que tales exhibiciones no iban con la nobleza.
I thought such showing off isn t fitting for the gentry.
Me iban bien.
I put them on. They fit.
Al parecer iban a alguna competición... porque ella es culturista.
Apparently, they were flying to some competition... 'cause she's a fitness model.
Me iban a tomar medidas la semana pasada.
I missed a fitting last week.
Marc y Sophie no iban bien juntos, pero se sentían bien juntos.
Marc and Sophie, didn't fit together, but they were well together.
Por suerte, los zapatos le iban bien.
Fortunately the shoes fit.
Le iban perfectas, como si fuera en zapatillas.
They fitted him perfectly, they felt as comfortable as slippers.
Con gran alivio por mi parte, las botas le iban bien.
To my relief, the boots fit.
Incluso le iban bien los zapatos de Carole.
Even Carole's shoes fit her.
Resultó que sí, y que los pantalones le iban estupendamente.
It turned out that he did, and that the pants fit nicely.
¿Cuándo iban a encajar todas las piezas?
When would the pieces finally fit together?
Los anillos de los cazadores de sombras siempre iban bien;
Shadowhunter family rings always fit;
Era un poco, un poco demasiado, y todos los trajes me iban estrechos.
It was too much or too little, and no suit would fit me.
Reacher supuso que los otros tres iban a salir corriendo.
Reacher figured the other three would run away.
—¿Y por qué se iba a escapar si sabía que lo iban a soltar hoy?
“Why would he run away if he knew he was getting released today?”
¿Acaso pensaba que iban a escaparse? —Está lastimándole el brazo, señor Ascher —protestó Daniel—.
Did he think they’d run away? “You’re hurting her arm, Mr. Ascher,” Daniel said.
Su familia sufrió una emboscada mientras iban al encuentro de su hermano, Hussain ibn Ali, para que le hiciera un juramento de lealtad a su soberano.
Her family was ambushed while traveling in order to get an oath of allegiance from her brother, Hussain ibn Ali, for the ruler at the time.
El 31 de marzo de 2003, la autora y su hija fueron secuestradas cuando iban en taxi por hombres armados; éstos les ordenaron que bajaran y las obligaron a subir a otro vehículo donde las golpearon con las pistolas, les ordenaron que miraran al suelo y fingieron dispararles.
On 31 March 2003, while the complainant and her daughter were driving in a taxi, they were abducted by gunmen who ordered them to get off the taxi and forced them into another vehicle, where they hit them with the guns, ordered them to stay with their faces towards the floor of the car and pretended to shoot them.
Los estadounidenses querían obtener datos relativos a los servicios de seguridad del Iraq y sobre sus fuerzas armadas, así como sobre los lugares de residencia del Presidente Saddam Hussein, y son cuestiones que iban más allá del mandato de los inspectores".
The Americans wanted to get hold of information about Iraq's security services and capacity and the location of President Saddam Hussein, matters that were not within the inspectors' mandate.
También fomenta considerablemente algunas actitudes que, según se sabe, guardan relación con la violación y la reivindicación de actos agresivos, tales como la hostilidad hacia las mujeres, la propensión a la violación, la tolerancia de la violación, y la conjetura de que uno violaría a una mujer o la forzaría sexualmente si supiera que no lo iban a descubrir.
They significantly increase attitudinal measures known to correlate with rape and self-reports of aggressive acts - measures such as hostility towards women, propensity to rape, condoning rape, and predicting that one would rape or force sex on a woman if one knew one would not get caught.
¿No iban a casarse?
Weren't they getting married?
¿O por qué no se iban sin más?
Or why didn't they just get up and leave?
¿Por qué no iban al grano?
Why didn't they get to the point?
¿Pero por qué lo iban a pillar?
But why should they get him?
Así se iban a enterar.
Then they’d get the idea.”
Les iban a pagar igual.
They get their paycheck anyway.
No iban corriendo, sin embargo;
They weren’t running, though;
Adónde iban a escapar?
Where shall they run to?
Iban casi corriendo.
They were almost running.
Iban a venir corriendo.
They would come running.
Los niños no iban a la escuela.
The boys didn’t run off to school.
A veces iban al trote pero no corrían.
Sometimes they trotted but did not run.
Ahora iban con las luces de navegación encendidas;
They were running with lights;
La verdad es, que iban bien vestidos, nos guste o no.
The truth is, they're well suited, whether we like it or not.
Así que iban vestidos con trajes.
So they are people who wear suit-pants.
Que los doce que dispararon iban vestidos con trajes.
These 12 people were wearing suits while shooting.
LAVANDERÍA "MÁQUINA LIMPIA" MIÉRCOLES, 9 DE FEBRERO Todos mis chicos llevaban uniforme e iban en bicis verdes.
All my guys wore the jump suit and rode green R500s.
Los dos iban vestidos con traje azul.
Both wore blue suits.
Dentro de ella iban el traje ignífugo y un cuchillo.
it had contained the fire suit and a knife.
sí, aquéllos iban más con su fuerza bruta.
yes, these were more suited to his brute strength.
Todos los árbitros iban vestidos de Santa Claus.
All of the umpires were wearing Santa Claus suits.
Sin embargo, las mujeres iban a la zaga en ciencia y tecnología.
Women lagged behind in science and technology, however.
Los niños iban quedando rezagados y tenían un bajo nivel de matriculación en instituciones.
Boys were lagging behind, and they had a low level of enrolment in institutions.
Las tecnologías utilizadas en la producción iban muy a la zaga de las disponibles en el Oeste.
Technologies used in production were falling far behind those available in the West.
Lo iban a abandonar.
They were leaving him behind.
Los otros iban muy cerca de él.
The others were close behind.
Detrás iban los arqueros.
The archers came behind.
No iban muy detrás vuestro.
They were not very far behind you.
sus compañeros iban atrás.
his companions were behind.
Detrás de ellos iban los Spence.
Behind them came the Spences.
Las sensaciones iban muy a la zaga.
Feelings lagged far behind.
Tras ellos iban los voluntarios.
Behind them were the volunteers.
Los soldados iban muy detrás de ellos.
The troopers came well behind.
Los Templarios iban tras él.
The Templars were behind him.
Los países desarrollados iban a la cabeza del proceso pero los países en desarrollo también han hecho algunas solicitudes y ofertas.
Developed countries were leading the process, and developing countries have also made some requests and offers.
Pensé que iban a su centro de control.
I thought they were leading us to the command-and-control centre.
Ellos iban al frente.
They were leading me.
Los iban a llevar al almacen pero...
The lead went to the store but ...
Mi primera tarea era cortar los tubos que iban al motor.
My first job was to cut all the pipes leading to the engine.
¿Por qué iban a delatarse con la deuda de una tarjeta?
Why would they leave a leading light with bad debt?
Los A, que iban abajo 5-0, ahora van arriba...
The A's, from 5-nothing down, now lead 6 to 5.
Varl y Criid iban en cabeza.
Varl and Criid were leading the way down.
Ahora serían ellos quienes iban a llevar el peso del asalto.
The hobs would lead the assault this time.
Uno de los barcos que iban delante experimentó una de estas caídas.
One of the leading vessels went over such a fall.
Acordó el siguiente calendario para los períodos de sesiones de la Junta Ejecutiva que iban a celebrarse en 2003:
Agreed to the following schedule of sessions of the Executive Board in 2003:
Acordó el siguiente calendario para los períodos de sesiones de la Junta Ejecutiva que iban a celebrarse en 2001:
Agreed to the following schedule of future sessions of the Executive Board in 2001:
Acordó el siguiente calendario para los períodos de sesiones de la Junta Ejecutiva que iban a celebrarse en 2000:
Agreed to the following schedule of future sessions of the Executive Board in 2000:
Acordó el siguiente calendario para los períodos de sesiones de la Junta Ejecutiva que iban a celebrarse en 2002:
Agreed to the following schedule of sessions of the Executive Board in 2002:
Acordó el siguiente calendario para los períodos de sesiones de la Junta Ejecutiva que iban a celebrarse en 1999:
Agreed to the following schedule of future sessions of the Executive Board in 1999:
Todos iban detrás de los santos.
Everybody followed the saints.
Todos los hombres iban detrás de mí.
All the men would follow me around.
Seguí a los muyahidines que iban a luchar.
I followed the mujahadeen who went off to fight.
¿Seguro que la iban siguiendo?
Are you sure you were followed?
Las masas iban a alzarse y seguirlos.
The masses were meant to rise up and follow them.
Pero no todos iban detrás de él.
No, not all of them followed him.
Las sirvientas iban tras él.
The servants followed him.
¿Cómo no iban a seguirlo?
How could they not follow?
Los otros iban también montados y me seguían.
The others mounted too, and followed.
Dos soldados iban detrás.
Two soldiers followed.
Gruzinov y Martin iban detrás.
Gruzinov and Martin followed.
A donde iban ellos, allí iba yo.
Wherever they went, I would follow.
Iban tras el rastro de su sangre.
They were following the trail of blood.
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