Traducción para "había concluido" a ingles
Había concluido
Ejemplos de traducción
Para el primer aniversario de 9/11, Newsweek había concluido que el financiero "permanece casi un misterio total.
By the one-year anniversary of 9/11, Newsweek had concluded that the paymaster "remains almost a total mystery.
McNamara había concluido que el plan de 'No-Ciudades' era una ilusión peligrosa.
McNamara had concluded that his 'No Cities' plan was a dangerous illusion.
Mi conteo estaba apagado, pero yo seguí para conducir incluso después de la Sinfonía había concluido.
My count was off, but I continued to conduct even after the Symphony had concluded.
Bueno, había concluido que, empíricamente, es bueno tener antecedentes teóricos.
Well, I had concluded that empirically, but it's nice to have theoretical background.
Un cuarto visitante había concluido:
A fourth man had concluded:
—Somos parias —había concluido Morgan.
“We’re pariahs,” Morgan had concluded.
Ese era el problema de los raqueros, había concluido Joshua.
That was the trouble with combers, Joshua had concluded.
Había concluido que Kolkata no era de su agrado.
Kolkata, he had concluded, did not suit him.
Una buena cosa, habían concluido, sabiamente, todos los que la amaban;
A good thing, all who loved her had concluded wisely;
La reunión había concluido y Allanon les había pedido que lo esperasen.
The meeting had concluded, and Allanon had asked them to wait for him.
El profeta había concluido con las palabras: «Ve con los dioses, rey Atreo.
The seer had concluded with the words: “Farewell, Atreus King.
Ni Breen ni Medlinskas me dijeron que habían concluido sus indagaciones.
Neither Breen nor Medlinskas told me when at last they had concluded their inquiry.
he had concluded
Y había concluido, de forma irrefutable, que no había tiempo suficiente para que se produjeran los procesos evolutivos.
And he had concluded, irrefutably, that there was simply not enough time for evolutionary processes to take place.
Por las palabras escuchadas la noche anterior había concluido que el farmacéutico y el librero tenían un plan conjunto.
He had concluded from Weintraub’s words the night before that druggist and bookseller were bound on a joint errand.
Estaba claro que la entrevista había concluido y Cato inclinó la cabeza y se volvió para dejar solo al legado.
It was clear that he had concluded their interview and Cato bowed his head and turned to leave the legate's presence.
Había concluido la carta diciéndole que él siempre la amaría y siempre mantendría su oferta de matrimonio.
He had concluded the letter by saying that he would always love her and would always honour the offer of marriage.
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