Traducción para "golpearla" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
beat her up
No volvió a golpearla ni a violarla.
He didn't beat her up again, he never raped her, he didn't touch her.
Arrastró a la mujer a un aparcamiento que había detrás de unas casas y empezó a golpearla.
Dragged the woman into a car park behind some houses and proceeded to beat her up.
Golpearla allí mismo, en la calle, como habría hecho un hombre honrado del común, no era cosa factible.
To beat her up in the street, there and then, as an honest vulgarian might have done, was not feasible.
La hija, incluso casada, sigue siendo una menor; los padres, aliados con el marido, pueden castigarla, golpearla, encerrarla.
Where the daughter, despite being married, is always seen as a little girl, and her parents, who always side with the husband, even have the right to punish her, beat her up and lock her away.
También tuve que golpearla.
I had to hit her too.
Estaba a punto de golpearla.
He was about to hit her.
Belari no se atrevería a golpearla.
Belari wouldn't hit her.
Sintió deseos de golpearla.
He wanted to hit her.
– ¿Yo? ¿Por qué querría yo golpearla?
Me? Why would I want to hit her?
“No la golpeé”, dije, “¿Me viste golpearla?
“I didn’t hit her,” I said. “Did you see me hit her?
Eso ya estaba mejor. Volvió a golpearla.
This was more like it. He hit her again.
Por un momento sentí deseos de golpearla.
For a moment I wanted to hit her.
Cuando llegaron a la arboleda, lo sacaron violentamente del jeep y volvieron a golpearlo.
When they arrived at the grove, they pulled him from the jeep and beat him again.
El autor afirmó que no era cierto, pero, a pesar de ello, el cabo empezó también a golpearle.
The author states that this was not true, but the corporal nonetheless started beating him.
Sólo cuando firmó el documento dejaron de golpearle.
They stopped beating him only when he signed the paper.
Los dos policías volvieron a golpearlo cuando recobró el conocimiento.
Both policemen continued beating him when he came round.
La policía empezó a golpearlos y a torturarlos a todos, incluidas las mujeres y los niños.
The policemen allegedly started to beat and torture all of them, not sparing the women and children.
Tras golpearlo peligrosamente, lo soltaron.
After beating him badly, the men released him.
A veces se elegía como objetivo a los periodistas para golpearles mientras cubrían las manifestaciones.
Journalists were sometimes singled out for beatings in the course of their coverage of demonstrations.
- Vamos a golpearlos...
- Let's beat the...
Dejen de golpearlo.
Stop beating him!
No puedo golpearle!
I can't beat him
Vamos a golpearlo.
Let's beat it.
No puedes golpearles.
You can't beat them.
Dejamos de golpearlos.
We stop beating them.
Golpearla, torturarla.
Beating it out, torturing it out.
Tuvo que golpearlo una y otra vez.
She had to beat again and again.
Empezaron a golpearlos con las piedras.
They began to beat them with the stones.
Puedes golpearlos con palabras.
You can beat 'em with words."
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