Ejemplos de traducción
Las autoridades, sin embargo, estamparon en su pasaporte que la salida era definitiva, habiéndole además advertido de que no intentara regresar;
The authorities, however, stamped on his passport that no re-entry would be permitted and warned him that he should not attempt to return;
Estamparon "retirado" bien grande.
Thought it was silly how they stamped "retired" all over it.
Pero me di cuenta que no recuerdo la última vez que estamparon mi mano.
I have been nothing but supportive and giving and kind, but it just occurred to me that I can't remember the last time I had my hand stamped.
Por casualidad, ¿te estamparon la mano?
By any chance, did they stamp your hand?
Me tumbaron, estamparon en mi pasaporte "revocado" y me aventaron al primer avión.
They took me down, stamped my passport "cancelled" and threw me on the first plane.
Nos pusimos en fila y nos estamparon en las muñecas el permiso de entrada.
We lined up and had our wrists stamped with our entry permits;
Inmediatamente le quitaron la entrada de la mano y le estamparon un tampón en el dorso que le dejó un emblema ilegible marcado con tinta negra.
Immediately the ticket was taken from him and the back of his hand was stamped in black ink with an illegible emblem.
Las espaldas blancas de los policías, el rostro bronceado de Gao Ma y las hojas negras de las acacias se allanaron y se estamparon sobre la tierra amarilla.
The policemen’s white backs, Gao Ma’s tanned face, and the black leaves of the acacia trees flattened out and were stamped on the yellow earth.
Los niños fingieron no darle importancia y los más traviesos mojaron ligeramente la suela del zapato en los charcos rojos y estamparon admirados una huella de sangre en la calzada.
Little boys pretended not to mind and the more naughty ones stamped their feet softly in the red puddles and admired their bloody shoe-prints.
En Eric Lundquist estamparon «DR» —por dry, «secar»— en los libros que secaron porque estaban convencidos de que su sistema era mejor que el de Airdex, y querían compararlos cuando el proyecto finalizase.
Eric Lundquist stamped “DR” in the books he dried because he was convinced his system was better than Airdex, and he wanted to compare them when the project was finished.
Se estamparon mas de 180 copias de la biblia.
He prints 180 copies of the Bible.
Así que unas cuantas alumnas suyas fueron y estamparon en camisetas el lema «Ser humano en sentido pleno».
So some of her female students went and printed Full Human Being on T-shirts.
A juicio de mi país, el número notable de firmas que estamparon al pie del texto del Tratado los Jefes de Estado —entre ellos el Presidente de la República de Polonia, Sr. Aleksander Kwasniewski—, Jefes de Gobierno y Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores del mundo entero demuestra la determinación de los Estados de promover una estructura de seguridad mundial que ya no deba depender del desarrollo cualitativo sostenido y el crecimiento numérico de las armas nucleares.
In the view of my country, the impressive number of signatures deposited under the Treaty text by the Heads of State — among them, the President of the Republic of Poland, Mr. Aleksander Kwasniewski — and by Heads of Government and Foreign Ministers from around the world demonstrates the determination of States to promote a global security architecture that no longer needs to rely on the sustained qualitative development and numerical growth of nuclear arms.
Y yo empezaría por preguntar por qué nos reclutaron, por qué nos estamparon en el camino hacia nuestra propia destrucción…
And I would start by asking – why were we conscripted, why were we impressed, in the drive towards our own destruction?
¡La dragona estaba empezando a desplomarse! Apartándose de la cola, Kendra y Seth saltaron hacia un lado. Se estamparon contra el suelo al otro lado de la columna justo cuando Siletta caía pesadamente contra el suelo. La rodearon y vieron que movía las alas y las extremidades, agonizando. Saltaron a la parte trasera de la dragona y clavaron el cuerno en aquel cuerpo que parecía de caucho. La dragona dejó de retorcerse.
Rising together, Kendra and Seth chased the retreating tail. The front of Siletta went behind a fat pillar up ahead and seemed to disappear, her tail the last part of her to vanish. Heedless of the danger, Kendra and Seth raced toward the dragon, coming around the pillar in time to see that Siletta had been climbing the far side. Her head and front legs had already reached the top and started across the ceiling. Leaping forward, Kendra and Seth raised the unicorn horn and pressed it to the end of the dragon's tail just before it rose out of reach.
Los brazos macizos de Robert la levantaron del suelo y sus labios le estamparon un beso en la boca. —¡Bien hecho, Jane!
Jane felt herself lifted from her feet by Robert's massive arms as he planted a kiss upon her mouth."Well done, Jane!"
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