Traducción para "derrota era" a ingles
Derrota era
Ejemplos de traducción
Por lo tanto, nuestra lucha es la lucha de las Naciones Unidas, nuestra victoria será su victoria y nuestra derrota será su derrota.
Thus, our struggle is the United Nations struggle, our victory will be its victory and our defeat will be its defeat.
En Sudáfrica se derrotó al apartheid.
Apartheid in South Africa was defeated.
Esto incluye la aceptación de la derrota en las elecciones generales.
This includes the acceptance of defeat in general elections.
El 2 de febrero del 2003, reconocieron su derrota.
They admitted defeat on 2 February 2003.
El estudio de la historia demuestra la derrota de esta lógica.
The study of history demonstrates the defeat of this logic.
Se derrotó al régimen de los talibanes.
The Taliban regime has been defeated.
Esto parece la admisión de una derrota.
That seemed to amount to an admission of defeat.
La derrota relativa o absoluta de los partidos nacionalistas tradicionales no significó, evidentemente, una derrota para la política nacionalista.
The relative or absolute defeats of the traditional nationalist parties did not mean, of course, a defeat for nationalist politics.
Ello de por sí es una derrota.
That in itself is already a defeat.
Para Cato, la derrota era inevitable.
Now, for Cato, defeat was inevitable.
Grant comprendió que había un sentimiento en el Sur de que esta derrota era algo que se podía seguir resistiendo.
Grant understood that there was a feeling in the South that this defeat was something that still might be resisted.
Mi derrota era una previsible conclusión.
My defeat was a foregone conclusion.
Derrota era impensable, su tarea inconclusa.
Defeat was unthinkable, their task unfinished.
superados y en inferioridad numérica, nuestra derrota era casi segura.
Overmatched and outnumbered, our defeat was all but certain.
Entrometerte en mi batalla y más cuando su derrota era evidente.
Come in between my fight. That too when his defeat was evident.
Porque siempre había sido así, adónde Hitler estuviese... las defensas aguantaban y la derrota era imposible.
Because it was always the way, wherever Hitler was the defenses held, and defeat was impossible.
No, la derrota era una consecuencia inevitable de los políticos franceses.
No, defeat was the inevitable consequence of French politics.
La derrota era inevitable Los Precursores tomaron la decisión de destruirlo todo
Realizing defeat was inevitable, the Forerunners made a decision to destroy everything.
Al principio, creo que fue más para comunicar un mensaje sabiendo que la derrota era cierta.
* hey, honey, take a walk on the wild side... * braudis: at the start, I think it was more to get a message out knowing that defeat was certain.
«La derrota, la derrota...», murmuraba la lluvia.
Defeat, defeat, the rain whispered;
¿No es esto derrota sobre derrota? —Sólo palabras.
Is this not defeat piled on defeat?” “Words only.
Con la derrota del dragón, la derrota de la creación zhengyiana, había sobrevenido la derrota de las gárgolas.
With the defeat of the dragon, the defeat of the Zhengyian artifact, had come the defeat of the gargoyles.
Las derrotas gloriosas, por su parte, son solo derrotas.
Glorious defeats, meanwhile, are just defeats.
La derrota para los rusos no significaba la derrota para los estadounidenses.
Defeat for the Russians did not mean defeat for the Americans.
Derrota, la última derrota de todas. Cody lo sabía.
Defeat, the last defeat of all, Cody knew.
—Esto no es una derrota, Al.
This is not a defeat, Al.
Una gloriosa derrota tras otra. Siempre derrotas.
One glorious defeat after another. Always defeats, alas.
La derrota de la criatura no tenía importancia frente a la derrota de Amón-Rama.
Defeating the creature was no part of defeating Amon-Rama.
¿Cómo derrotas a alguien que no admite la derrota?
How do you defeat a people who won't admit defeat?
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