Traducción para "correrse" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
¿Alguien ve porno después de correrse?
Do you ever watch porno after you come?
- Va a correrse sobre ti.
He's coming on to you
Tienden a correrse rápido.
They tend to come quickly.
- ¡Esta cosa quiere correrse!
Ooh! It wants to come.
una mujer no puede correrse demasiado.
Can't a woman come too much.
Puedes imaginarte su cara al correrse?
Can you imagine his face when he comes?
¿Cuánto tiempo tarda Billy en correrse?
How long does it take Billy to come?
Esto es mucho mejor que correrse.
This is way better than coming.
No llegan a correrse.
They don't come.
Gary está a punto de correrse.
- Ready? I think Gary's about to come.
Estaba a punto de correrse.
She was on the point of coming off.
¿No le encantaba correrse?
Didn’t he dearly love coming?
Le daba miedo correrse.
He was scared he might come.
Foxy tenía dificultades para correrse con él.
She had difficulty coming with him.
Aunque lo que quería no era correrse.
Though coming wasn’t what he wanted.
Les hablé del correrse sin correrse de Dellwood Barker, lo que provocó que Alma Hatch se cayera de la cama de la risa.
Told them about Dellwood Barker coming-not-coming, which made Alma Hatch fall off the bed laughing.
Creí que no acabaría nunca de correrse.
I thought he’d never stop coming.
Iba a correrse de nuevo de un momento a otro.
Any second, he was going to come again.
pensó que iba a correrse inmediatamente.
he thought that he was going to come straight away.
Yo no llamaría a correrse delante del jefe un "incidente".
Bueno, cuando estaba a punto de correrse.
Al que le gusta agarrar a las chicas de las tetas y retorcerles los pezones y frotarse contra sus traseros hasta correrse en los calzoncillos.
“It’s the one who likes to grab girls’ tits and twist their nips and rub up against their hinies until he shoots off in his underwear.”
Es una visión tan desagradable que le produce rabia, y lamenta que todo eso de hacer de sheriff, a lo que le va a costar acostumbrarse, según presiente, le impide simplemente correrse una juerga y pillarse una tajada monumental para luego ponerse a disparar contra cosas y pisotear a un montón de gente hasta que llegue a calmarse un poco.
It’s so uncomfortable-looking, it makes him feel all pent up, and he regrets that this sheriffing business, which he perceives will take some getting used to, hinders him from just going off on a bust and getting wholesomely tanked and then shooting things up and stomping a lot of people until he can calm down.
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