Ejemplos de traducción
Se dijo que a los tres se los había torturado para que confesaran su delito.
The three were said to have been tortured into confessing to the crime.
De esta forma conseguimos que confesaran.
In that way confessions were obtained from them.
Aseguran que la policía los sometió a golpes, choques eléctricos y al empleo de la capucha, para que confesaran.
They state that the police subjected them to blows, electric shocks and hooding with a view to extracting confessions.
Los detenidos fueron torturados en el curso de los interrogatorios para que confesaran sus vínculos con el NPA.
The detainees were tortured during interrogation to extort confessions regarding their links to the NPA.
2.3 Durante el interrogatorio, las autoras fueron torturadas para que confesaran.
2.3 Under interrogation, the authors were tortured into confessing.
En algunos casos, los detenidos habían sido sometidos a torturas, palizas y amenazas durante los interrogatorios para que confesaran.
In some cases, torture, beatings and threats were used during interrogations and so as to extract confessions.
A las mujeres tachadas de "brujas" se las torturaba para que confesaran.
Women branded as "witches" were tortured to confess.
La víctima está convencida de que ellos son inocentes y que recibieron dinero para que confesaran.
The victim is convinced that both men are innocent and were offered money for their confessions.
Varios testigos y víctimas entrevistados insistieron en que se los torturaba en cualquier caso, confesaran o no.
Several witnesses and victims interviewed emphasized that they were tortured whether they confessed or not.
Muchos habían denunciado que se les había torturado o maltratado de otro modo para que confesaran.
Many had allegedly been tortured or otherwise ill-treated in order to extract confessions.
- No! Inventé eso para que confesaran.
I use this as a ploy sometimes to get a confession.
No confesarán así nomás.
They're not just going to confess.
No confesarán hasta ser castigados.
You won't confess if not being punished
Confesarán... así como así...
They're gonna confess, just like that?
Les llevaré a casa, y entonces confesarán.
I'm gonna take them home, and then they'll confess.
Hoy se pararán ante el Señor y confesarán sus pecados.
Today you will stand before the Lord and confess your sins.
Hemos intentado que confesaran tanto Lockhardt como Barnes.
We've been trying to get confessions out of Lockhardt and Barnes.
¿Qué culpas no confesarán?
"What sins will they enact when they no longer come to confession?"
¿Secuestraste a Charlotte para hacer que los Grayson confesaran?
You abducted Charlotte to get the Graysons to confess?
Confesarán que mataron a Julie.
You're gonna confess to killing Julie Grey.
No era esencial que confesaran;
Their confessions were not considered essential;
—¿Cómo lograsteis que confesaran?
How did you get them to confess?
Todavía no han confesado, pero confesarán, puede estar seguro.
They haven't confessed yet, but you can be assured they will.
¿Te ha contado Freddy cómo logramos que confesaran Smirnov y Mrachovsky?
Has Freddy told you of how we got Smirnov and Mrachovsky to confess?
Incluso confesarán estas ridículas historias inventadas sobre lo que hicieron. Es verdaderamente triste.
They would confess to these ridiculous made-up stories about what they did. It’s really sad.
Ustedes se rendirán y, cuando los interroguen, confesarán que mataron a esos estudiantes. —¿Es una broma? —pregunta el Tilde.
Then, under interrogation, you will confess to the murders of those students.” “Is this a joke?” Tilde asks.
Eso servía para que los condenados a muerte confesaran sinceramente sus horrendos crímenes o bien probaran su inocencia.
In that way, those condemned to death truthfully confessed their heinous crimes—or their innocence.
Su equipaje, su indumentaria, su manera de hablar y su actitud decían a las claras quiénes eran mucho antes de que lo confesaran.
The range of baggage, clothes, speech and attitude spoke clearly of who they were long before their confessions.
Yo tenía ganas de decirles a gritos que no confesaran pasara lo que pasase, pero ni siquiera pude responderle.
I wanted to scream that whatever happened they should not confess, but I could not even reply to Zinoviev.
Como se les aconsejará que confiesen, confesarán, logrando que se les conmute la pena por trabajos forzados a perpetuidad, lo que viene a ser lo mismo pero un poco más lento.
As they will be advised to confess, they will confess, enabling their sentence to be commuted to forced labor for life, which is essentially the same thing, only slower.
Había casos en que se había exigido a los niños que confesaran un delito que no habían cometido y en que el interrogatorio se había desarrollado sin abogado defensor.
There were cases of demanding children to admit a quilt for uncommitted crime and conducting an interview without a defense lawyer.
Ellos confesarán que Fletcher los contrató.
These guys will admit Fletcher hired them.
¿En verdad creen que irán y los culparán, y que ellos simplemente agacharán la cabeza y confesarán?
What do you think? You'll go accuse them... and they'll quietly admit their crimes?
- Seguro que no confesarán.
They won't admit to the adultery...
otros confesarán que esperaban que los sacaran para ser ejecutados también.
others were to admit that they were expecting to be led off in their turn for execution.
Lo confesaran o lo negaran, todos ellos creían, en el fondo de su alma, que en alguna parte existía el médico milagroso o algún curandero, o también alguna buena mujer curandera, y que bastaba saber dónde, procurarse su remedio, para salvarse".
Whether they admitted as much or denied it, they all without exception in the depths of their hearts believed there was a doctor, or a herbalist, or some old witch of a woman somewhere, whom you only had to find and get that medicine from to be saved.
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