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Ejemplos de traducción
Nos sentábamos a la mesa y comíamos lo que teníamos.
We were sitting to eat what we had.
No teníamos alimentos y comíamos solamente hojas y frutas silvestres... otras veces había un puñado de judías para diez personas.
We had not food and were eating only wild leaves and wild fruit ... Sometimes we had one handful of beans for 10 people.
En el mes de mayo nos encontrábamos en la selva virgen donde sólo comíamos hojas de mandioca y los soldados cazaban.
We spent the entire month of May in the forest, eating only cassava leaves; the soldiers hunted for food.
No siempre comíamos.
We didn't always get to eat.
Comíamos lo que había.
We were eating what we had.
Comíamos aquí fuera.
We're eating outside.
Comíamos el pastel.
We were eating the cake.
Comiamos, hablábamos y reiamos.
Eating and talking and laughing.
Comíamos juntos, ¿recuerdas?
We were going to eat together, remember?
Comíamos pollo asado.
We were eating rotisserie chicken.
¿Comíamos lo mismo?
Did we eat the same food?
Comíamos pastel en la cama.
Eating pie in bed.
André murió mientras comíamos.
André died while we were eating out.
—Ustedes se hacían los que comían… —Comíamos de verdad.
“You pretended to eat?” “We did eat.
Comíamos y bebíamos juntos.
We would eat and drink together.
Comíamos pocas veces en casa.
Usually we went out to eat.
Antiguamente comíamos zaldar. Pero no ahora.
We used to eat zaldars, but no more;
Si llovía, nos lo comíamos dentro.
If it was raining we’d eat them inside.
¿Por qué comíamos en la cocina y no en el cuarto de estar?
Why did we eat in the tiny kitchen and not in the main room?
Comíamos de lata, comida fría.
We eat out of cans. Cold food.
A veces comíamos macarrones al horno.
Sometimes we would eat baked macaroni.
Cuando comíamos... ¡ohh, esa jalea de árbol!
When we were eating...ohh, that treejelly!
Fijó los ojos en el suelo donde comíamos.
He stared at the floor where we were eating.
Comíamos. Nos divertíamos. Era perfecto.
We would go to lunch, happy hours shopping.
Fumábamos cigarros, comíamos comida.
Smoked cigarettes we ate lunch
Comíamos, el pasó, el Abuelo nos presentó
We were having lunch. He came by. Grandpa introduced them.
¿Que no comíamos juntos, o en Navidad?
Had lunch together? Or Christmas?
Comíamos juntos algunos domingos.
We had Sunday lunches together.
Comíamos juntos todos los viernes.
We used to have lunch every Friday.
Comíamos juntos y dábamos largos paseos.
We lunched together and we took long walks.
Cuando rodábamos exteriores comíamos juntos.
Doing exteriors we lunched together.
Pensaba que comíamos juntas hoy.
I thought we were having lunch today.
La llamada telefónica mientras comíamos.
That phone call at lunch.
Hugo y yo comíamos juntos a menudo.
Hugo and I often went to lunch together.
—Hacía mucho tiempo que no comíamos juntos al mediodía.
“She’d stopped meeting me for lunch long before that.
Mi hermano y yo comíamos juntos en casa.
Jaja and I would have lunch together when we got home.
Desde que nos íbamos donde los leñadores comíamos todos juntos.
When Lubis and I took the woodcutters their lunch, we all ate together.
—preguntó Jones en la cantina, cuando comíamos al día siguiente.
Jones asked at lunch in the cafeteria the next day.
Siempre que podíamos, comíamos juntos los jueves.
If we could, we had lunch together every Thursday.
Mientras comíamos hablamos de nuestros días en el colegio.
As we ate lunch we talked about our schooldays.
Mirándote ahora, mientras comíamos, lo pensé.
I realized that just now, while we were having lunch.
Y, mientras comíamos, ha empezado a contarme lo que había pasado.
And when we ate lunch he started to tell me what had happened.
Tenían un restaurante donde comíamos casi siempre.
They had a restaurant downstairs where we ate almost every meal.
Comíamos siempre fuera.
We had our meals out.
Ese día se organizaban campeonatos deportivos, actos religiosos y comíamos un menú especial.
That day, there were sports competitions and religious acts, and we had a special meal.
En la Calle Forsyth muchas veces comíamos sémola y salsa.
On Forsyth Street we made many meals of grits and gravy.
Comíamos lenguado, pescado en cada comida.
We ate sole at every meal.
Tomábamos una copa de vez en cuando, y comíamos alguna vez en su club.
We were the occasional drink, a meal now and then at his club.
Siempre comíamos juntos.
We always took our meals together.
Comíamos con todos los demás.
We took our meals with everyone else.
Pero eran comidas muy alegres y comíamos como lobos.
But they were jolly meals and we ate like wolves.
Verla en la sala donde comíamos fue todo un impacto.
It was a shock to see her standing in the room where we ate our meals.
Cassandra y yo comíamos siempre en la habitación de los niños y jugábamos solas.
Cassandra and I took all our meals in the nursery and played by ourselves.
Comíamos en la sala principal, en una mesa hecha a partir de una puerta.
We ate our meals in the main room, on a table made out of a door.
Me felicitó por la cena, pero aparte de eso casi no habló mientras comíamos.
She complimented me on the food, but otherwise she didn’t say much during the meal.
Vino a tomar con nosotros un vaso de vino mientras comíamos lo que él nos había cocinado.
He came and had a glass of wine with us while we ate the meal he’d cooked.
La casa era un desastre, comíamos comida para llevar.
The house was a mess, we ate take-out food
Así que hacíamos un largo receso, comíamos papitas con salsa y con el incentivo de Peter, volveríamos al ruedo.
So we'd take a long break, have some chips and salsa, and with a little cheerleading from Peter, we'd get back on the horse.
Nos los comíamos en la siguiente esquina.
We take a right at the next corner.
Mientras comíamos, le pregunté cuánto pensaba que tardaríamos en llegar a la Asamblea.
As we ate I asked him how long he thought it would take before we reached the Massing.
En mi época nos comíamos todo lo que nos ponían en el plato y nadie nos preguntaba lo que deseábamos. Katja se acercó.
In my day we ate wha’ was put on our plates with no one out there taking requests.” Katja approached.
Bret no me llevó al Connaught para someterme a interrogatorio mientras comíamos la última bocada de la temporada.
Bret didn't take me to the Connaught to interrogate me over the bones of the last of this season's woodcock.
Servios vosotros mismos… comed todo lo que os apetezca."») Y comíamos manjares como pollo frito, ensaladas de fruta y pan blanco con montones de mantequilla.
Just help yourselves—take all you want.') on such luxuries as fried chicken, fruit cocktail, white bread with lots of butter.
vivíamos en la casa de mi hermano y comíamos su comida.
we lived in my brother’s house and ate his food.
No, vivíamos con harapos y comíamos simple arroz no pulimentado en cuencos de madera.
No, we lived in rags and ate plain brown rice from wooden bowls.
Vivíamos, comíamos, bebíamos, dormíamos, amábamos y soñábamos sólo por el periódico y para el periódico.
We were inseparable. We lived, ate, drank, slept, and dreamed only of and for the paper.
Un lugar donde comíamos, jugábamos, discutíamos y dormíamos; cuatro paredes entre las cuales nos ocupábamos de vivir.
A place in which we ate and played and argued and slept, four walls between which we got on with the business of living.
Vivíamos y dormíamos sobre la montura, cabalgando hacia el este o hacia el oeste, y nos comíamos a aquellos caballos que caían agotados.
We lived and slept in the saddle, riding east or west, and we ate our worn-out ponies.
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