Traducción para "cara real" a ingles
Cara real
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Hoy yo mostraré su cara real al mundo
Today I will show the world your real face
Mi cara real no.
Not my real face!
¡Muestra tu cara real!
Giving you real face!
He visto mi cara real ... nuestros rostros.
today, i... i have seen my real face... both of our faces.
Podía ver su cara, su cara real debajo de ésta.
I could see its face, Its real face under that one.
Me sonrojaría si tuviese un suministro de sangre. O una cara real.
I'd blush if I had a blood supply or a real face.
- Cree que su cara real se está infravalorando.
He thinks his real face is being undervalued.
¿O estamos muy asustados para mostrar nuestra cara real?
Or are we too scared to show our real face?
He llevado tantas máscaras, a veces pienso que Me he olvidado de mi cara real.
i have worn so many masks, sometimes i think i've forgotten my real face.
No era una cara real, no del todo, pero la estaba haciendo real.
It wasn’t a real face, not quite real, but I was making it real.
No es una cara real porque eso haría que Dios no fuera mejor que un hombre.
It’s not a real face, because that would make God no better, really, than a man.
Orlando habría jurado que, en alguna parte, su cara real se había ruborizado. —Vaya, lo siento.
Orlando felt sure that somewhere his real face was flushed pink. “Oh. Sorry.”
Soñó que volvía a ver a Florentino Ariza, y que éste se quitó la cara que ella le había visto siempre, porque en realidad era una máscara, pero la cara real era idéntica.
She dreamed that she was seeing Florentino Ariza again, and that he took off the face that she had always seen on him because in fact it was a mask, but his real face was identical to the false one.
Tenía la cara mucho más horrible, sabrosa, mucho más útil de cuanto hubiera podido imaginarme: una cara de percebe, algo femenina, con ojos brillantes y labios gazmoños, como si hubiese otra cara, la cara real, debajo de esa máscara de piel. —Vale, tío.
His face was much nastier, tastier, altogether more useful than I had banked on it being — barnacled and girlish with bright eyes and prissy lips, as if there were another face, the real face, beneath his mask of skin. 'Okay.
Se había pasado la mañana en el plató de spots comerciales y aún vestía todo de blanco, la peluca con la rígida raya en medio también blanca y aún no se había quitado el maquillaje de televisión, que le daba a su cara real un sombreado anaranjado a la luz del día.
My father had spent the morning at the commercial studio and was still all in white, with his wig with its rigid white parted hair, and hadn’t yet removed the television makeup that gave his real face an orange cast in daylight.
De pronto nos sorprendemos mirando una fotografía para conseguirlo, y aun así: la foto quieta va suplantando a la cara real, con sus gestos y su movimiento, las facciones se congelan y ya solo existen las de la instantánea, que de tanto mirarla sustituye a la persona y la borra o la destierra o expulsa, por eso cuesta tanto recordar de veras a los muertos que se nos alejan.
We suddenly find ourselves studying a photograph in order to recall their face, and even then, the still photograph gradually supplants the real face with its gestures and movements, the features freeze, and only those in the snapshot remain, and we spend so much time looking at the photo that, eventually, it replaces the person and erases or exiles or drives them out, which is why it’s so hard truly to remember the dead as they move away from us in time.
La única cara real que veía era la suya propia, cuando miraba en aguas oscuras —no cuando lavaba comida, porque entonces aunque estuviera mirando la comida y sus patas atareadas y los arbustos y las piezas de coche que le rodeaban, su compulsión lo volvía ciego—, pero cuando el agua había inundado una zanja junto a las vías y al detenerse para cruzarla veía una máscara peluda descender del cielo urbano con intensa y tierna lentitud para frotar su hocico con el de él, como un sueño de la compañera que nunca había conocido, y el tiempo se replegaba sobre sí mismo, las repetidas pautas de su existencia alineadas al igual que se juntan los múltiples reflejos de un objeto aislado, de forma que en vez de una sucesión de días había un único día que era su vida, de hecho un momento apenas: éste.
The only real face he ever saw was his own, when he looked in dark water—not when he washed food, because then although he was looking at the food and at his busy paws and at the shrubs and car parts around him, his compulsion made him sightless—but when rain had filled a ditch along the tracks and in stopping to cross it he saw a furry, masked head descend from the urban sky with intense and tender slowness to touch noses with him, like a dream of the mate he had never met, and time folded back on itself, the repeated patterns of his existence lining up the way multiple reflections of a single object come together, so that instead of a succession of days there was just one day that was his life, in fact a single moment: this one.
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