Traducción para "camino afuera" a ingles
Camino afuera
Ejemplos de traducción
Oh, tú sabes voy a tener que tratar de llevar algo en el almacen general en el camino afuera, porque no permiten que las sacan de la parque. Y con razón.
Oh, you know I'm gonna have to try to pick some up from the general store from the general store on the way out, because they don't let you take them out of the park. And rightly so.
Grite "adiós" de camino afuera, y eso es lo la última vez la vi.
Yelled "goodbye" on her way out, and that's the last time I saw her.
Al parecer, ha trepado dentro de una bolsa de Oreos y está intentando "roer" camino afuera.
Apparently, he's crawled into a bag of Oreos and he's trying to eat his way out.
Ahi está. Casi-camino afuera.
There it is, sortie, way out.
Parece que un Redskin está haciendo su camino afuera del locker room.
It appears a lone Redskin is making his way out of the locker room.
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