Traducción para "calcetines y zapatos" a ingles
Calcetines y zapatos
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Necesito que se quiten los calcetines y zapatos, por favor.
Es porque usas calcetines y zapatos.
Uh, that's 'cause you're wearing socks and shoes.
Un vestido, braguitas, calcetines y zapatos.
She got a new dress, panties, socks and shoes.
De no tener nada, literalmente cero patatero, ni calcetines en los pies, de andar por ahí con sandalias abiertas en invierno, pasé a tener un par de calcetines y zapatos, un gran triunfo.
Coming along from having nothing, literally fucking zero, no socks on my feet, walking around in fucking open sandals in the winter, that's, from that to a pair of fucking socks and shoes, big time.
¿E iría descalzo, o llevaría calcetines y zapatos?
And were his feet bare or clothed in socks and shoes?
Targo se había puesto la ropa interior, calcetines y zapatos.
Targo had put on his underwear and socks and shoes.
No lleva ropa alguna, salvo calcetines y zapatos.
He doesn’t have any clothes on except for his socks and shoes.
Se oyó el ruido del roce de las piernas desnudas, de los calcetines y zapatos, de las rodillas descubiertas al hacerse sitio.
There was a stirring of bare legs, socks and shoes, and raw knees as they made room.
El asunto era que el Wayne a medio vestir en el dormitorio de Pemulis había estado con un pie descalzo y el otro con calcetín y zapato.
The point was that the half-dressed Wayne had been standing there with one foot bare and one in a sock and shoe.
Pero su uniforme, sus calcetines, sus zapatos estaban todos secos, lo que Bruce hizo observar rápidamente a los dos oficiales.
But his uniform, his socks, his shoes, were all dry, which Bruce was quick to point out to the two officers.
Toda la ropa que había utilizado la noche anterior estaba en una bolsa del supermercado: pantalones, camisa, ropa interior, calcetines y zapatos.
All the clothing from the previous evening was in a brown paper grocery bag - slacks, shirt, underwear, socks, and shoes.
Antes, ella había enviado a Chris arriba, en busca de una camisa de Brenkshaw, un suéter, una chaqueta, pantalones, un par de calcetines y zapatos.
Earlier she'd sent Chris upstairs to get one each of Brenkshaw's shirts, sweaters, jackets, slacks, a pair of his socks, and shoes.
Richard entró empujando el carrito, colgó las bolsas de los trajes y guardó las cajas de camisas, ropa interior, calcetines y zapatos en el armario.
Richard rolled in the cart and started to hang up the clothes bags and put the boxes of shirts, underwear, socks, and shoes into a bureau.
Cuando Howard se durmió, usted se puso su abrigo y su sombrero «Stetson», sus calcetines, sus zapatos y también sus pantalones.
When Howard dropped off, you put on yourself his distinctive and readily identifiable wide-brimmed Stetson and long trench coat, his socks, his shoes, and his trousers.
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